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Rins P.O.V.

I hear a soft humming?


That voice?

It sounds oddly familiar?"I turned was...completely dark.where am I?


It's getting louder?Taking a couple steps forward,my eyes peeled to find anything in sight.


"Hello?!,anyone there?"I called out.

Nothing.just the humming and-

I paused once I felt a presence behind me.


Huh?!I tried to turn around,but I couldn't.furrowing my eyebrows as I began to try and force myself to was no use,my body wasn't listening to me.

"W-who are you!what did you do to me?!"I responded with hostility.

"Are you happy."

"Am I what?"

Suddenly it was nothing but a piercing red instead of darkness.

All I saw a woman's silhouette,with a hole on her chest.

All I saw a woman's silhouette,with a hole on her chest

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"What's going on here?!".who the hell was this person!and why can't I move!

"Your still-"
"Rin wake up!"

My eyes opened.


I started at the sight in front of me.what was..that all about?I thought.

"You know,we're getting ready to leave already."Izuna said.

I blinked a couple of times before sitting up,"yeah..okay.."I replied.what was that dream all about?I thought.

And that voice?I knew it from somewhere.

"Hey,are you okay?"Izuna said with concern instantly striking him.

"Your not getting a headache again are you?"his tone changed drastically.

I smiled,"honestly worry way too much."I said as I stood up slowly.

The mornings crisp air flowed throughout my lungs as I took a breath.what a strange dream.I thought.Raising my arms,I stretched.

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