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Rins P.O.V.

My feet stopped there movement and came to a slow halt,once the portal vanished behind Madara and Sensei.

What is this..cold tension.I thought.

And why is Sensei wearing that again?

Izuna rushed passed me,"Brother!"he called out with a smile.

Madara scoffed and turned away,"all of you.get what you need."

"We're leaving now."he simply said and made his way to the exit of the cave.

Izuna had came to a stop.

W-what?why is he suddenly acting distant?I mean,it's not like it was's how he always was..well until after the war..

"Brother wait!"Izuna said about to go after him,but Obito placed his hand on his shoulder.

He shook his head,indicating to leave his older brother alone.

Obito pushed folded clothes and a small bag that had a buckle into his arms.Izuna looked to where the exit was,taking the clothes that Sensei had given him.

Oh no..please don't let this be because of what happened.I told him to forget about it.taking a deep breath,Sensei now walked up to me.

Handing me clothes without a word,he passed me.

"W-wait!sensei!"I called out taking ahold of his sleeve.

He looked to me,it was back to not seeing his made me sad..why did he decide to put it back on?

"Are you ok?"I asked.

His eye seemed to give off a small smile,Sensei raised his free hand and placed it on to the top of my head.

"I'm fine,Rin."he simply replied,and patted it gently.

I kept my concern.I had questions...but I knew that they weren't gonna be answered truthfully.

I let go,he turned to Sasuke and made his way over.I knew he was lying.he wasn't fine.

Something must've happened.



I shook my head,no..I have to stay optimistic about this!no negative thoughts!

Maybe Madara was in a bad mood.

Maybe Sensei was to.

Did they wake up on the wrong side of the bed today?!

Putting my fist in my palm,I began to replay this morning in my head.

I woke up..I was extremely tired,it was hazy..Sensei and Madara were walking out the cave when I had first opened my's all a blur?!



"What are you doing."

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