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"That's odd."I said.

"What would Hogoromo want with Sasuke?"I questioned.

Madara didn't give me an answer.

Well then...I thought.taking a deep breath,I raised my arms stretching.

"You think it's anything serious?"I said.

"How would I know.."he simply replied.

I sadly smiled to his response.bringing my arms down.that tone he shouldn't have made me get like this.but it always somehow managed to.

Would he actually...

I swallowed.

why not just..


"Can I ask you something?"I blurted before I could finish my own thought.

I honestly wanted to know.

"Would you prefer if I,not speak sometimes?"

He paused for a second,his eyes averting to me.I gave him a reassuring half smile.letting him know that it wouldn't hurt my feelings,that's a lie.

"You can be honest,I promise I won't take it personally."I added.another lie.

He blinked,and turned his head.

"Don't ask unnecessary questions."he said rather quickly.

My smile faded slowly.

Oh..I thought.

Does that mean yes?or..

"Rin."his voice suddenly heard,my eyes moved to him.


His expression changed.

Something was wrong.

His eyes screamed there was a threat near.his mengakyo activated.I turned looking behind me.there was a thick fog beginning to surround us both.

"Fog?where did this come from?"I questioned turning around.

This wasn't normal..we weren't near any body of water.

"Madara,we should-"I started to say but my wrist was grabbed.

"Hey wait!"I said,I was already behind him before I could tell him my input about the situation.

His eyes scanned the area,"Stay behind me."he said sternly.I opened my mouth to speak,but a figure landed right next to Madara.

"How many are there."Sasuke asked as he pulled the katana out from his holster with precision.

"One."he replied.

I frowned,"you know,I can do something to!"I spat with annoyance.

I'm capable of taking care of myself in these types of situations.I crossed my arms,nodding to myself.

Maybe I should just catch this person right now.

That'll show them.

"My two vessels..."

My eyes opened instantly.that voice!

Sasuke took a step back,out stretching his arm in front of me.

"Vessel?"I repeated getting that familiar sick feeling in my chest.

It couldn't be!

I killed Kabuto!

I took a sharp inhale as my hands began to get clammy.there was no mistaking it!that voice!those words!it had to be!

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