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"So the best you could do,was this really small unit."Izuna complained as he threw himself on the couch.

"Yeah. Unfortunately."Obito replied as he sat down at the table. Sasuke joined his sensei. Still recovering from what Rin had done to him.

Madara however walked to the hallway and to the room Rin stayed at.

Careful not to disturb Rin he slowly slid the door open. Just a little so he could check in her to see if she was okay.

The light went through the small opening from the door.

He saw Rin and that other women. Which he found odd. But she was asleep. It was all that mattered. He slowly closed it and walked back into the living area.

"Since when did Rin become acquainted with that woman."he asked Obito. He assumed that she didn't like Rin. Based on interactions.

"Earlier today."Obito answered.

"Hm."Madara sounded.

He took a deep breath,"I suggest you all take this opportunity to actually sleep. No one will be on night watch."he ordered as he turned off the lights from where Izuna was.

"Right."Obito said.

Madara looked to the couch,"Izuna was already asleep.

He walked to a smaller couch,which was the last cushioned seat in the room. And sat down. He crossed his arms, and the exhaustion hit immediately.

But him sleeping alone felt wrong. Like something was missing.

If it weren't for that woman with Rin. He would've gone and slept with her. Well maybe...probably...most likely. She slept next to him since he first met of course if felt off.

Obito stood up,and put his hand on Sasukes shoulder."come on. There's an extra futon in the closet you can use."he said.

Sasuke shook his head,"I'd rather you use it sensei."he suggested.

Obito half smiled."well...look at you."he stated with some surprise.

"What?"Sasuke said controlling his volume not to wake anyone.

"Looks like Rins thoughtfulness is rubbing off on you."he said walking to the storage closet.

Sasuke frowned,"no way. Your delusional."he quickly defended himself as he stood up. Obito pulled the rolled up futon and turned to look back at him.

"Yeah. Right."he said sarcastically and tossed the futon to him. Sasuke caught it with ease.

Obito gave him a small smirk before shutting the door and walking away.

Sasuke frowned. He rolled his eyes as he then went to the hallway,and laid out his bedding at the entrance of it.

Just in case Madara wanted to go to Rin. He would be there to protect her. Sasuke laid down getting under the attached blanket.

Obito had sat in a corner,and was leaning back on a wall. His fatigue was eating him alive almost. He fell asleep almsot instantly. As did Sasuke.

Madara however was having trouble doing so. He was seriously thinking about going into that room and kicking the woman out. Why on earth would she sleep with Rin. Was it a normal thing for women to do? He was genuinely confused about it.

Rin only slept next to this is getting annoying .What, I don't like sleeping alone now?What a weak thing for me to think. He thought to himself.

He shook the thought from his head as he closed his eyes.


In the late morning, it was chaotic in that small household. All due to Karin,Rin, and Izuna who were conversating loudly and obnoxiously laughing while eating complimentary breakfast. Sasuke was sitting there constantly scolding them all to keep it down.

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