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Karin had made it back. She was gone for about fifteen minutes.

Obito was walking to the gate now. With Rin and Karin walking behind him, they kept close. Making it more believable that they were all related.

Obito had a large scarf on covering the bottom half of his face;and a pretty large hat. Rin had also wore a scarf,it around her head,covering her hair. Whilst Karin didn't need a disguise.

As they neared Obito slightly turned his head

"Just follow my lead."he whispered. Rin nodded.

"Halt! State your business here outsider!"One of the guards said walking to them with aggression.

Obito cleared his throat,"I-I'm here see-seeking refuge from the w-war."he said while shivering.

The guard narrowed his eyes,"do you have visas."he questioned.

Obito shook his head,"we had to abandon our homes during the war...when we returned there was nothing left." He choked up.

"My wife...she..didn't make it.."Obito said sadly.

"I'm sorry. But this city is already crowded from refugees from the war. Try going to-"he was cut off by Rin.

"Father...are we going to eat anytime soon...I'm so hungry.."Rin interrupted,trying to sell the act as much as she could.

"Me's been ages! I just want to taste anything besides snow that we've been eating for the past few months!"Karin said exaggerating

"Oh please sir! You have to let us in! I'm so tired of sleeping on the ground and eating snow for breakfast lunch and dinner! Not to mention my mother?! She used to cook for us every night!BUT NOW?!!! she's dead!!!"Karin began to fake sob obnoxiously.

Obito cringed as he looked to her.

What the hell...uh...

Obito cleared his throat,"Hanako nows not the time..."Obito trailed off as the guard raised his hand for silence.

"No I uh...I understand. What's one more family. Just apply for a visa here when you get the chance."he said stepping aside.

"Thank you! Thank you so much!"Obito said trying to sound enthusiastic. He gave him a respectful bow.

"Thank you sir!"Rin said happily,as Obito now began walking to the gate.

The guard only nodded and followed them to return to his post,"let them pass!"he shouted to his subordinates.

"Not bad acting sensei." Rin whispered.

"I've had some practice. He responded quickly scanning his surroundings.

As expected. This village referred to the iron villages main district..was guarded at the max. Every where Obito looked there was at least two to three guards patrolling or guarding entrances.

This only meant that this place was perfect for hiding rather than a place where just anyone can walk in without being questioned.

"And you! That was amazing!"Rin said turning her head and giving Karin a thumbs up.

"Heh. I know;I've always had a natural talent for drama."she said putting her hand on her hips.

"That wasn't acting. That was having an aneurysm."Obito commented rolling his eyes.

"Teach me later! Maybe I can act like that for-"Rin started to say but Obito cut her off.

"Focus please! We cant relax just yet. He whispered harshly.

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