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Shisui brought out his shuriken and flung them towards Madara. While Obito jumped and swung his leg to his face.

He quickly ducked bringing out a small katana from his back.

He was quick. As Madara expected while he dodged the shuriken with ease.

He was gone in a second,now behind shisui he raised his fist, with the power of his susano'o swarming around it, he landed a hit behind his back.

It sent Shisui flying.

"Oh damn! I shoulda seen this comin-" he collided with the floor before he could finish his sentence.

Obito landed next to Madara.

"You knew about him?"he asked.

"Only rumors. I assumed that they were false."he replied.

Obito narrowed his eyes, I hadn't heard the rumors at all. He thought.

They both watched as he got up.

"You know..I was hoping I could get a few moments to process this whole thing about this so called god being a woman!" He exclaimed dramatically.

"He's kind of an idiot.."Obito said.

"Yeah.."he responded. Shisui's attitude reminded him of his brother.

"Well...according to the rumor he's only just woken up. He's not entirely at fault."

"And what was this rumor."

Madara crossed his arms," He offered himself to the leaf...Allowed the scientists to conduct experiments on him. For the sole purpose of becoming a weapon for the village."

Shisui was standing there dusting himself off. He looked up both of the men that stood before him.

He raised his hands, gesturing his temporary surrender.

"Don't attack!"he said with a desperate tone.

Madara and Obito looked at each other, then back to Shisui. Perfect opportunity. They both thought.

Shisui stopped a few feet away from them both.


"Answer my questions."

"And he'll answer yours."

Shisui nodded, although it seemed sketchy to him. He lowered his hands.

"Who sent you." He asked.

Shisui was gonna answer truthfully. Only because he had no idea what ot when the date was. He had no clue.

"The second hokage."

Obito crossed his arms," his order?"he said.

Shisui took a breath." Well. To be completely honest...Everything was hazy when I woke up."

"In his words he said, your mission is to kill Rin Uchiha, crimes included mass genocide."

"He said not to underestimate the wretched creature."

"Next thing I know,he told me to shadow him to the gates. He was talking to a woman who was watching a man leave the village....then a short while after he said follow him."

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