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No one P.O.V.
"I've only agreed because..."Karin trailed off as she held both her hands tightly.

Seeming as her response was depressing she decided not to answer.

Izuna didn't think to much of it.

"That's not important.what is,is that you came willingly."he said proudly.

"Right.."she said sarcastically as they came up to a small shack.

"So here it is.our temporary home."Izuna said as he rushed past her.

She gave him a strange look.

"Great."she said to herself.

"What the hell have I gotten myself into."she added as Izuna opened the door for her.

She walked in.

Her arms were crossed as she stepped into the poorly lit room.

The only source was light was from a window.

This was stupid...I knew I shouldn't have caved wasn't like I had anything better to do.

Then again,these people were the ones that started that war.

That man..

Getting a flashback of Madara,Karin shivered at the thought of him.he was cold and looked bitter toward everyone and everything around him.

One wrong look and he'd kill me.she thought.

Izuna walked past her,looking around.




Her eyes widened.

What did he just say?!

"Hey!"she said as she took hold of his collar,and pulling him aggressively toward her.

"Did you just say Sasuke?!"she spat.

Izuna was confused,"yes?"he replied as a question.

Her heart skipped a beat as she let go of him.

"You idiot!why didn't you say anything sooner!"she quickly said as her hand let go of his collar.

Izuna narrowed his eyes as he watched her abruptly fix her hair.

Why is she?


This behavior was like Rins.But she was a bit more subtle about it.

He put his hand on his chin,tilting his head sideways,"do you perhaps..."


"A-absolutely not!"Karin defensively said.

Izuna let out a small laugh as his hand returned to his side,"right."he replied.

Karin cleared her throat and adjusted her glasses,"c-can we please move on."she composed herself.

Izuna nodded,holding in his laughter.


"Sasuke!"he called out again.

Hmm..maybe Sensei was wrong about their chakra being traced here.he thought.

Just then he and Karin heard noises coming from outside.

He looked in the direction.

Shouting?it sounded like Rin.his feet moved,walking to the window.

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