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Karin bit her bottom lip as she starred at Sasuke from afar.

He was in conversation with that man,Obito.

She fidgeted with her fingers as she was trying to gather up the courage to go speak to him. I can do this!she thought.

She adjusted her glasses,fixed her hair, then shirt. She paused for a second. Looking at her chest, she smiled to herself. Looking elsewhere she undid a button.

"Here I go."she whispered to herself.

She took her first step. subconsciously walking to him in a slow pace.

Hey, look..handsome-NO! That's stupid.she thought.

Hello...Sasuke.beautiful night-NO WAY!

Sasuke!take me!......WAY TO FORWARD!

Oh no..I'm already there.she thought as she cleared her throat,and taking a stand right next to Obito.

"Uhm.."she gave a half courteous bow."I think Rin wanted to speak to you."she said lowly to Obito.

Obito has stopped talking and looked at Karin.

She starred at the ground,not making any eye contact with him.

He looked from her back to Sasuke.

"Remember what I said.I mean it."Obito said sternly,and walked away towards Izuna and Rin.

Step one.complete.she thought.

Karin slowly raised her head,putting a strand of hair behind her ear. Her eyes making deep contact with the man her heart was set on.

"Hi..Sasuke."she whispered heavily.

Sasuke lacked expression.

She stood to her height and took a step closer to him.invading his personal space.

Sasuke frowned as he rolled his eyes. You've got to be kidding me..he thought.

From experience from when he was a child...Back when he was on team 7, Sakura did this all the time.And From what he's seen,Rin did this to Madara almost all the time.

He took a step back,"No."he said,and walked away.

Her mouth slightly widened,"huh?"she replied as she watched him.

She took a deep breath.


She flipped her hair on one side,I don't give up that easily.she thought.

"Hey,wait up!"she called out going after him.

"You've got the wrong idea!"

Izuna looked into the sky.his mind running a marathon of countless thoughts.

Rin had fallen asleep on him,a little while ago.

"What am I gonna do with him."he said to her.

"Should I give him a good talking to?"he asked.

"Or you think I should just walk up and punch him."

As expected,he received no answer.He lightly laughed."if you were awake right now..I'd think you'd say,the first option."

He smiled to himself.her words on a loop inside his head.

"You really are the best thing that's happened to him."he said to her.

He starred off,losing that was harder to keep one lately.

"All of us..I mean.."he whispered.

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