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"So where are we going anyway? And where is Madara going?"

"The irons main district."Obito answered.

"Why are we going there again?"she asked.

"To keep a low profile, stay out of sight for assassins."

"When will see the others again?"

"Wherever I get a place to stay."he answered.

"Why did we have to separate again..."

"He's looking for the ones who keep sending assassins to us."he said.

Obito was bombarded with questions and Rin reassuring herself but also seeking assurances from him. He didn't mind though. As much as she needed his answers,he needed to occupy his mind somehow. But he did answer every question she had.

Rin peeked at Karin behind with a rather sad look on her face. She could tell she didn't want to be here...I mean..with them. I wonder how I could make her situation better.

Obito had taken notice.

"What's wrong?"he asked.

Rin sighed as she looked away.

"'s just...Karin doesn't like me. And I don't know what I did to make her not like me, you know?" she said with a stern face.

"Hmm. I wonder."Obito said. He didn't really care much for Karin. But seeing as Rin did care for this woman. He needed to put effort.

"Well...I'm no expert on making friends, But between you and me. I think she has something for Sasuke."he said.

Rin giggled,"yeah I know. She was uh...she didn't try to hide it at all."she replied.

Obito let out a quiet laugh.

"Maybe try going and conversing about it."he advised.

Rin lightly gasped,"Great idea sensei! Ou! Why didn't I think of that before?!"she said face palming with her free hand.

"Alright I'll-"Rin stopped as she suddenly felt anxious about this.

Obito sighed,"there's no need to be nervous Rin."he said reassuringly.

"Right." She said.

Meanwhile Karin was so annoyed with her. Rolling her eyes every chance she got a look at her. She talked entirely to much.

Even though Sasuke was sent with...that man. Meaning Madara. She still wished she could've gone with Sasuke.

She took a breath.

And even she hated to admit this but..she already missed Izuna.

Karin hated herself for liking him. He was a goofball. Never taking anything serious. And just as annoying as Rin. And they way she flirted with that monster of a man?! She needed to work on that. Not to mention how she was all over Sasuke all the time! That pissed her off more than anything.

"Hey Karin!"

Her thoughts came to a complete stop when she heard an enthusiastic voice. Her pupils moving to the right,she slowly turned her head to.

Speak of the devil. She thought.

"What do you want."she said with impatience.

Rin shrugged,"nothing really...I just wanted to talk to you. Your really quiet...well you've been quiet this whole time but I was wondering if you wanted to talk about anything in particular?"

Karin crossed her arms as she walked faster.

"Leave me alone." She spat.

"Huh? Rin said as she slowed down. She frowned. Izuna warned me about this.

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