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First period is over and I'm looking for Alexa because we always go to the bathroom in between classes. We have to touch up our makeup, duh! And what girl goes to the bathroom alone?

Problem is, I can't find Alexa anywhere. I stopped by the math room but everyone was already gone.

I feel a little lost without Alexa, not gonna lie. I'm so used to following her around everywhere, doing everything she wishes. It sort of feels like I don't know how to be my own person anymore.

And at times, Alexa doesn't treat me as an equal. She treats me like I'm inferior to her, belittling me and stuff. Sometimes I even get the feeling that she doesn't think that I'm as pretty as her!

I still love her though.

So I scanned the halls in search of her, but who I saw instead was our enemy Monse. She's at her locker, and her little bodyguard Ruby isn't present which means that this is the perfect time to confront her about her harsh words yesterday.


She gave me a disgusted look. "What the hell do you want?"

"What I want is for you to know that what you said to Alexa yesterday was way out of hand!"

She snorted. "She sent you to be her messenger?"

"I'm talking to you on my own accord."

Monse slammed her locker shut. "Well don't. Because I'm sure that Alexa doesn't want or need you speaking for her."

I crossed my arms angrily. "I just think that you need to apologize to her before things get ugly. She's not flawed at all."

"Then what is she, Chloe? Please tell me."

But I couldn't come up with anything. I want to say that Alexa's beautiful, and talented, and every other compliment in the book, but everyone knows that already. Instead, I want to say something more sophisticated. More deep. But in reality, I don't know what Alexa is.

"Exactly. Even you don't know." Monse swung her bag over her shoulder. "Look, do yourself a favor and open your eyes. Alexa doesn't give a shit about you. She just likes having a little puppy dog following her around everywhere, obeying her every command."

My jaw dropped in offense. "I'm not a puppy dog!"

Monse just rolled her eyes. "I'm done with this convo. Tell Alexa to stop sending you to talk for her. And as for you, just leave me the hell alone."

And then she walked off.

I didn't even have time to respond because Asher Adams walked past me. I focused on him now.

Asher is so fine. I've been crushing on him ever since he started playing on the football team. He's our best player and he carries himself so well. How can you not like that?

So I fixed myself up and called for him. "ASHER!"

He stopped in the middle of the hallway with his bag hanging over his shoulder, and his biceps poking out of his sleeves a little bit.


"Sup Chloe."

"Am I a puppy dog?" were the first words to come out of my mouth.

He looked puzzled. "Um, is that a trick question? Because...."

I waved my hand around. "Never mind. A toxic bitch just put negative thoughts about myself into my head, that's all."

"Gotta love toxic bitches," Asher muttered.

"Right! Anyway, you ready to have an amazing football season? Like every season?"

"Not so amazing if we've never won a championship," he retorted.

"Well that's going to change!"

"And why is that?"

"Because Billy Baker is here now!"

Asher's face shifted into uncomfortableness. "Yeah he sure is..."

I looked at him questionably. "Is everything okay?"


But I know he's lying, and he knows that I know.

He retracted that statement. "Honestly, no. Seeing Billy Baker today just opened up some old wounds, I guess."

I rubbed his upper arm and spoke softly. "I'm always here if you need someone to talk to, you know that right?"

Asher shrugged. "I didn't, but now I do."

I removed my hand and crossed my arms. "Look, Ash-"

"Ash? We're on a nickname basis?"

"Asher," I corrected. "You and I aren't so different. We both have fathers that had it all, and that lost it all just as quickly."

"And now we have no choice but to live in this dump of a neighborhood," Asher grumbled.

I nodded my head with a sigh. "Yeah. It's nothing like Brentwood, but we have to make the best with what we have, right? Sulking isn't going to change anything."

I looked into his eyes seriously and he looked right into mine. "So if you're willing to make the rest of our high school years here the best fucking years ever with me, then I'm willing to do it with you too."

Asher broke out into a small smile. Then he chuckled. "You're really wise, you know that?"

I shrugged as I looked down at my shoes. "I've never been told that before."

He lifted my chin up to look at him again. His voice was soft and comforting. "Well now you have."

He flashed me another smile and I feel like I'm going to faint. Asher Adams has his hand on my chin, oh my god!

And then the bell rung.

Asher said, "I gotta go, but we'll talk later."

"We will," I promised flirtingly.

Asher looked me up and down with a smirk on his face and then left. I watched him go as I bit on my lip.

Did I really just become close to Asher that easily? Maybe I am on the same level as Alexa.

I stopped watching Asher and saw Ruby standing down the hall with a sullen look on his face. He looks jealous or something.

I know that he likes me, it's obvious. But do I care? No, not one bit.

Alexa's right, Ruby's a leprechaun. What can he do for me? Nothing. But Asher can do everything for me.

So I just flipped my hair and walked the other way.

𝐡𝐨𝐰 𝐰𝐞 𝐜𝐚𝐦𝐞 𝐭𝐨 𝐛𝐞, 𝐨𝐦𝐛/𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐚𝐦𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐧Where stories live. Discover now