seventy seven.

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"Oliviaaaa! Long time no speak!"

Olivia looked at me. "Yeah. The last time we talked, you were telling me that Latrelle tried to rob your dad at gunpoint."

I let out a relieved sigh. "I'm so glad that you dropped him. He's so dangerous!"

She corrected me. "I didn't drop him. He's my brother, as you now know."

"Geez, I'm so sorry about that. That must've been heartbreaking for you."

"It was, but I'm over it. I finally let Latrelle go. I like Asher now."

Don't piss me off babe. "Yeah, I actually wanted to talk to you about that. You actually had sex with him?"

"Two years ago."

"But why?!"

"Does it really matter, Jamal?"

Yes it matters babe. "I mean, I'm just saying that you can do way better than Asher."

"Better like you?"

That caught me completely off guard. "W-what?"

"It's pretty damn obvious that you like me, Jamal. You've had your eyes on me since day one and you even tried to convince me to hate Latrelle several times."

Welp, the cat is out of the bag. No point in denying it. "Oh. Okay, this is easier for me then. Yes I do like you, Olivia. And I was hoping that we could talk today and-"

She cut me off. "Jamal, I already told you that I have Asher now."

FUCK ASHER! "But that shit happened way too suddenly! And he's so damn disrespectful! Didn't you see the way he was talking to Chloe?! You don't want a man like that Olivia, trust me!"

"And I also don't want a man who doesn't know how to take no for an answer!" Olivia fired back. "By the way, I know you're the one who told everyone that Latrelle's my brother."

I froze. "Y-You do?"

"Yup, and Coop does too. She's pissed with you, Jamal. And it looks like you can't keep a friend for shit, so in my eyes you're way worse than Latrelle."

My jaw dropped. "I'm not! That's not even possible!"

Olivia's tired of me now. "Leave me the hell alone Jamal, because you saw what Asher did to Jordan! I don't think you wanna be next!"

Right on cue, bitch ass Asher walked up to us. "Hey. I got my stuff. What's going on?"

Olivia looked at me the entire time. "Nothing. I handled it. Let's go."

And then they walked off hand in hand and I am absolutely FUMING! You're telling me that I lost the love of my life to fucking ASHER ADAMS?! This don't make no sense!

"See?" Ruby said from beside me. "That Asher is a damn problem."

He is and he has got to go.


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I had to do make up work for Ms. Kent for skipping class with Monse that one day. It wasn't a lot of work so I finished pretty quickly. Now I'm walking out of the room, trying to find Monse or Coop. Problem is, Cesar was waiting for me outside of the room.

Cesar pinned me against some lockers. "WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU DO?!"


I tried to get him off but his grip is too tight. "Monse won't respond to me! Why is that?!"

"Maybe she just doesn't like snitches," I spat.

Cesar doesn't think so. "She had no issue with what I did, and at least I actually helped her out! What the fuck did you do?!"

"I was by her side every second of every day! THAT'S what I was doing!" I fired back. "I was being a good friend, not popping up out of nowhere being captain save Monse for a quick fuck that you never even got!"

Cesar scowled at me. "You have your info all wrong. I actually love Monse."

That is fucking comical. "You: I really love Monse. Also you: cheats on her. You're a hypocrite Diaz, end of story."

"And you're a rebound! Monse was hurting and she needed someone to make her feel whole again! That's all it is! There's no chemistry like she and I had!"

I just stared at him in disgust. "You are one possessive son of a bitch."

That made Cesar let go of me and ball his fists up. I just snickered. "What? You gonna fight me again? Because that didn't go too well for you last time."

"That fight was a tie and you know it."

"But it won't be next time."

"You're right. I'll win."

"Na. You'll run to your brother and snitch on me. That's all you're good for," I dissed.

Cesar just rolled his eyes. "You're really mad at me for helping Monse out?! Don't you care about her?!"

"She doesn't need your fucking help and she doesn't owe you shit!"

"I didn't say that she does!"

"It's clear that you did it to win her back. It doesn't take a genius to realize that."

Cesar shrugged. "Maybe I did. What's it to ya?"

"I can care less because it clearly backfired. She wants nothing to do with your ass anymore."

Cesar's angry all over again. "Yeah because of you! You're distracting her from what she really needs! Me."

I had to laugh at that. Cesar's offended. "That's funny?"

"That's comical because the truth is, no one needs you Diaz. Or wants you. Not even Alexa."

"I dropped Alexa. Get your facts right."

"Right." Then I mind fucked him because he's annoying me. "You know, I saw Alexa trying to make up with Monse, and you know how forgiving Monse is. So I wouldn't be surprised if they're friends by now."

Cesar looks alarmed.

I played with him some more. "Damn. If they really are friends, you know what they're gonna do right? They're gonna conspire against your ass."

Cesar swallowed hard.

I finished by saying, "So you can confront me all you want, but I'm not who you need to be worried about."

And then I laughed and walked away as Cesar has a worried look on his face. I can basically read his thoughts. He's thinking, Are they really working against me?

That made me laugh some more. What a dumbass.


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