seventy two.

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Asher and I are now in the stairwell, talking about what just happened. He said, "Thanks for going along with that little act."

"So it was just an act," I said bitterly.

"I mean, I kissed you out of nowhere just to get back at Jordan, but also because I really wanted to. And maybe I shouldn't say this, but I've been wanting to kiss you for a while," Asher admitted.

I laughed dismissively. "That's a damn lie. You had Chloe."

"Doesn't mean that I didn't think about you."

"Damn. Who's the unloyal one now?" I joked.

Asher rolled his eyes playfully. "Whatever. Chloe and I literally happened overnight. I should've known that it wouldn't last. Plus, her best friend is Alexa. Chloe literally surrounds herself with trash, but I thought that she'd be better. I guess not."

I feel sorry for him. "I'm really sorry about her. And I'm really sorry that my brother's an asshole. See why I hate him now?"

"I sure as fuck do. I see why everyone hates him. I don't wanna talk about Jordan though. I wanna talk about you."

I pointed at myself. "Me? I'm not that interesting."

"You're hella interesting in my eyes," Asher slightly flirted and I forced myself not to blush.

"Look Liv, that night that we had together shouldn't have happened, but it did. And everything happens for a reason, right? We were meant to have sex. And that moment meant everything to me and I know it meant something to you too. Or am I wrong?"

I shook my head. "You're not wrong, Asher. Since we're being honest, I did have a little crush on you back then. But I couldn't act on it because-"

"Jordan would've crucified me. I know. But who cares what Jordan thinks? I'm tired of him dictating shit."

"I am too."

"Exactly," Asher said. "And I liked you back then too Olivia, and I like you now. And I should've been focusing on you and not Chloe's ass, but it's never too late."

"Asher, this sounds reboundish...."

He assured me otherwise. "Na. I've just finally opened my eyes. We should've been going on three years now, but we unfortunately didn't act on our feelings. Well I want to now, but I need to know if you feel the same."

"I do."

That made him happy. "Good. Don't worry, we won't rush anything."

"Good because that never ends well."

Asher chuckled and leaned in to kiss me again, but I leaned back. "Oh. Asher. We shouldn't."

"Yes we should."

And then he was getting ready to kiss me for real, but my other brother interrupted us. Latrelle. "Oh. My bad."

Asher and I quickly distanced ourselves from each other and I questioned my brother. "Latrelle? What the hell do you want?"

"Asher, can I talk to my sister?"

Asher's skeptical because Latrelle and I used to have a thing going on, but he has nothing to worry about at all. "He's my brother, Asher."

Asher gave in. "Yeah, you can talk. See you later."

Latrelle teased me playfully when Asher left. "Well y'all seem to be kicking it off pretty well."

I just stayed silent.

Latrelle noted my silence. "You had sex with Asher because of me, huh? Because I broke your heart."

That assumption just annoyed me. "It was actually two years ago, Latrelle. Not everything is about you."

"Oh. That makes me feel better then."


I'm being very standoffish right now and Latrelle isn't digging it. "Olivia, can we talk? I'm tired of the tension between us."

"There's tension bevause of you!"

"But you have Asher now so why are you still mad?!"

"Because it fucking hurts, Latrelle! You're the first guy that I fell super hard for and then I found out that you're my fucking brother! That's not something that just goes away!"

Just thinking about it made tears flood my eyes. "And you and Monse are always so boo'd up and I have to pretend to be happy for you, but I'm not because that should've been us!"

And then I let my tears fall and I cried hard because it really does fucking hurt! And no one can understand my pain unless they were in my shoes right now!

Latrelle actually held me as I cried, trying to calm me down. "You're right. It should've been us but it's not, and there's nothing that we can do about it. And if I could go back to two weeks ago and change what happened, I would because I don't like seeing you hurting like this."

I looked up at him desolately and raised my hand to wipe my tears, but he actually did it for me. "I'm really sorry that we can't give our love a shot, but I know that Asher will treat you like a queen. So you should give him a chance and just forget about me."

"Easier said than done."

"I know, but I'm happy for you. So can you be happy for me too?"

"So you really like Monse?"

"I do. She's been by my side throughout this whole...situation."

"Oh. You mean the revenge plan situation." Latrelle looks shocked now. "Yeah I know about that."

He huffed. "Please don't mess up the mood. Leave that to Jordan." That actually made me chuckle. "And speaking of Jordan, y'all need to make up because there's already enough tension at home."

I objected. "Not happening, but there'll be less tension now."

"Why is that?"

"Because I don't hate you anymore," I said.

"For real?"

I'm serious. "Yes. I'm gonna give Asher a chance and forget about you. It's time for me to let you go for real this time. And if you wanna settle down with Monse, I totally support that."

"About damn time," he joked. I just rolled my eyes playfully and he held his arms out. "Bring it in, little sister."

And then we hugged and Latrelle said, "I'm proud of you."

And I just matched his energy. "I'm proud of you too."


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