seventy nine.

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I'm walking home alone after school. I don't really feel comfortable hanging out anymore ever since Shawn almost killed me.

None of us do.

And my neck still hurts, but my bruises are slowly healing thanks to Grace's medication.

Grace doesn't really interrogate me anymore because she knows that I'm not going to budge. Same with Spencer. Thank god.

I caressed my scarf as I walked and sometimes I just wanna break down and cry, man. Like right now. Because I'm sick and tired of this Shawn shit! I'm tired of the nightmares and I'm tired of living in fear!

I wish I never met Shawn at all.

Suddenly, an unknown number called me and I swallowed hard. Maybe I shouldn't have wished for that...

I didn't answer the call but the person keeps calling me, so I don't have a choice. So I slowly put the phone to my ear. "H-Hello?"

"Hello Coop."

Shawn's voice made me tremble like crazy. I wanna look around to see where he is, but he advised me against it. "Don't cause a scene because the sniper that's fixated on you will shoot you in the back of the head."

Yeah, I don't think I'm breathing anymore.

Shawn continued. "Now, I gave you a chance to explain yourself and you told me that you had nothing to do with my gun going missing. Well you lied, Coop."

"I know that Latrelle has it and I know that you helped him get it. And you know what? Maybe I SHOULD let that sniper kill you for lying to me!"

"PLEASE DON'T!" I pleaded.

"Oh? Begging for your life now? I like that." Shawn snickered. "I won't kill you, Coop. I have a different plan in mind and it requires you to meet me tomorrow night at the park at midnight. Alone."

I'm scared to even question him. "W-why?"

"Because like I said, I still care about you. And I think that we can come back from this, don't you?"

I didn't even say a word because hell no we can not.

"A week ago, you texted me telling me to meet you at the park so that we can talk things out. Now I'm asking the same of you," Shawn added.

"And that's all you wanna do? Just talk?"

"Of course! You don't think I'd actually hurt you, do you?"

"You choked me."

Shawn chuckled. "Oh, yes! I'm sorry about that. My anger got the best of me, but I do wanna work things out with you Coop. Because you're like a little sister to me."

"We shouldn't be having this bad blood between us, so just meet me at the park at midnight and everything will be fine. And please remember to come alone."

"And if I don't?"

"Well if you don't, then what I did to you last weekend, choking you? Well, it's gonna look like the sweetest gesture on earth. So test me if you want to Coop, but I'm really trying to stay peaceful here," Shawn warned.

"Oh, and one more thing. Make sure you don't tell anybody about this little conversation because if you do, everybody in that new household of yours will get shot."

"Tyrone will shoot Grace, Dillon, Spencer, and even Latrelle, and you'll be responsible for all of their deaths. So please just obey me," Shawn threatened. "Okay bye, little sister!"

And then Shawn hung up and I stared down at my phone fearfully. He knows that I live with the James family?! Fuck. What DOESN'T he know?!

I may have told Latrelle that Shawn choked me, but I can't tell him about this. I can't tell anyone or everyone I love is going to die! Trust me, Shawn isn't lying about that!

Which means that I have no choice but to meet Shawn at the park at midnight. This shit smells like a set up though. He wants to meet me alone at night just to talk?

I highly doubt that because Shawn suspects me. He knows what I did, so there's no way in hell he just wants to talk.

Shawn is definitely going to kill me if I go to that park. And I wanna tell Monty, but I can't because Tyrone will really shoot the James family. He's ruthless as fuck.

Tyrone will kill them and he'd still be able to sleep peacefully at night! He might even spit on their graves!

So man, I don't know what to do. All I know is if I really show up at the park alone tomorrow night, it's going to be the end of me. So I gotta think of something fast.

But no matter what goes down tomorrow night, one thing I know for sure is that this shit is finally coming to an end.


𝐡𝐨𝐰 𝐰𝐞 𝐜𝐚𝐦𝐞 𝐭𝐨 𝐛𝐞, 𝐨𝐦𝐛/𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐚𝐦𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐧Where stories live. Discover now