thirty one.

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I should be heading to school right about now, but I have something that I need to do first. Since Olivia won't believe that Latrelle is our brother, and since dad won't admit it, the only other option I have is to ask Grace herself. Problem is, I don't know her address.

Which is where my plan comes into play.

John told me that I could use a reverse phone lookup engine to find out Grace's information. It isn't free either but that's okay, mom won't find out.

All I need is Grace's number, which I don't have. But dad does. So I got up and headed to my parents room. Everyone's probably getting ready for the day so I should be able to snag dad's phone with ease.

I entered the room and saw dad adjusting his shirt in the mirror. He looked at me in disbelief. "Jordan, you're not even dressed yet?! We're gonna be late!"

"Yeah I know. I just wanted to borrow one of your watches," I lied.


"Because it'd complete my outfit!"

Dad wasn't happy about that. "When are you going to stop trying to show off, Jordan? Khalil and his homeboys are still upset with you."

No shit. They tried to shoot my ass. And if they did, Latrelle wouldn't have been the only Baker son admitted into the hospital...

Dad doesn't know about my encounter with Khalil that night though, and he never will.

"Can I have the watch or not?" I asked with an attitude.

Dad grabbed his box of watches and picked one for himself. Then he handed the box to me. "Here. I gotta check on your sister." He rushed out of the door. "Hurry up and get dressed!"

"Yeah, yeah."

I grabbed one of dad's watches and then grabbed his phone. I ran back to my room and went to his contacts. I saw Grace's name so I checked her contact information and her number was displayed. I typed that number into the reverse phone lookup and everything was shown. Grace's full name and everything else about her, including her address.

I took a screenshot of the address with my phone, feeling extremely excited. Looks like Olivia and I have somewhere to visit after school.


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"Y'all hear about the shooting?" I asked my parents as we ate breakfast. "Latrelle got shot."

Mom scolded me calmly. "Jamal, that is not a conversation that we want to be having."

I shrugged. "I'm just saying that I know you're happy, dad."

"Now why in the world would I be happy?" Dad asked.

"Because Latrelle and his friends tried to shoot you?" I answered.

Dad sighed. "It was a prank, son. How long are you going to hold a grudge?"

"How long are you going to keep saving Latrelle's ass?!" I argued. "He could've killed you!"

"Jamal, language!" Mom scolded more angrily this time.

"No I'm not gonna watch my language! It's time for dad to stop acting like what happened that night was okay! It wasn't and you can't brush shit like that under the rug!"

Dad stared at me gravely. "Let it go. Latrelle isn't a bad kid. Monty even told me that he pushed Monse out of the way of that bullet."

I scoffed. "Yeah but Latrelle did it so that everyone can paint him as hero, but in reality he's the villain."


I stood up hastily and angrily. "I'm done eating." I put my plate in the sink and then pointed at dad. "You might be brushing this off, but I'mma make sure you get your payback."

I promise that.


Monse was waiting for me in front of the school. She's clearly growing impatient because she said, "There you are! What took you so long?!"

"Was arguing with my dad."


"About your homeboy Latrelle, to be exact," I said angrily.

She rolled her eyes. "Please don't be inconsiderate like Ruby."

You bet your ass I spoke inconsiderately. "I don't feel bad that Latrelle got shot. Karma's a bitch."

Monse threw her hands up angrily. "Why do you guys constantly make Latrelle out to be a monster?! If he was such a monster he wouldn't have pushed me out of the way! If he was a monster, he wouldn't have checked on me after my breakdown! Something that you and Ruby failed to do by the way!"

"He only did that because he wants to be painted as a HERO!" I argued.

But of course Latrelle can do no wrong in Monse's eyes. It's pathetic as fuck. "Okay you're being inconsiderate and it's annoying, so."

She turned on her heels but I'm not done talking. I'm sick and tired of people coming to Latrelle's defense when they don't know about half of the monstrous shit that he's done! Well it's time for Monse to know.


That made Monse stop walking and turn around slowly. "Wait...that's what he did?"

I crossed my arms. "Yeah. I bet your little knight in shining armor ain't tell you that though."

She looks troubled now. "He didn't..."

I continued exposing Latrelle. "He, Khalil, Darnell, Elijah, and Malik all shoved guns in my dad's face that night. Joke or not, I'm never forgiving them for that."

"But your dad did Jamal, and he's the victim not you. Who are you to hold a grudge?" Monse countered.

"HIS SON! THAT'S WHO I AM!" I raged. "And if dad's too scared to retaliate, I'll do it for him!"

Monse just stared at me nervously.

"Now you know what Latrelle did to my dad so if you're still rolling with him, then I can't roll with you Monse."

Now she stared at me angrily. "Are you seriously making me choose between you and Latrelle?"

"I am," I declared. Then I walked away from her because I have nothing else to say.

Monse has a lot to think about it. She can either be friends with me or with Latrelle. She can't have both. So I guess all there is to do is to wait and see what her decision is.

𝐡𝐨𝐰 𝐰𝐞 𝐜𝐚𝐦𝐞 𝐭𝐨 𝐛𝐞, 𝐨𝐦𝐛/𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐚𝐦𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐧Where stories live. Discover now