forty seven.

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The whole family is in dad's car, driving to the furniture place. We have to get stuff for Latrelle's room but this traffic is making that real difficult.

"This traffic is something serious huh?" Dad joked. None of us are laughing though.

"I don't see anything funny about this situation," Olivia retorted.

I just let out a loud huff. "Sighhhhh! If only I could've drove my own car!"

"You are not driving that car, Jordan! We might even have to get you a bodyguard after what you told me!"

Mom looked back at me. "Why didn't you tell us that Khalil and his boys put a gun to your face?!"

I corrected her. "Guns, mother. Plural."

She scowled at me. "Are you seriously laughing this off?"

"Do I appear to be in a laughing mood?"

Olivia just leaned her head against the window, annoyed. "This family is fucked up."

"Watch your mouth, Olivia!" Dad scolded.

"No I'm not gonna watch my mouth, Billy!"

"BILLY?!" we all shrieked.

"Yes, Billy! I'm not calling him dad because he doesn't act like one! And I feel SO damn sorry for Latrelle! He's being forced to join this messy ass family!"

Dad sighed and looked at her in the rear view mirror. "Liv-"

She just leaned her head back against the window. "I said what I said."

I just rolled my eyes at her. "Does everything have to be about Latrelle?"

Olivia lashed out on me. "Jordan, do not talk to me! Do I have to remind you that this is all of your fault?!"

"I saved you, Olivia!"

"No, you RUINED me!"

Mom's tired of our bickering. "OLIVIA, ENOUGH! The truth would've been revealed eventually!"

"It should've been revealed since day one!"

Dad shut all of our arguments down. "Look, this family seriously needs an intervention like I said before! And there's a time and place for everything, but right now is not the time or place to air everything out!"

Olivia tilted her head at him. "Then when, Billy?"

"Fix that sentence," Dad hissed. Olivia rolled her eyes. "Now let's go in this store and y'all better act correct!"

Mom just scoffed before getting out of the car. "You're one to talk about acting correct."

Dad sucked his teeth and we headed inside of the store. I ventured off on my own towards the wall decor. Latrelle needs some posters on his wall, right? Problem is, they're all cool as shit.

𝐡𝐨𝐰 𝐰𝐞 𝐜𝐚𝐦𝐞 𝐭𝐨 𝐛𝐞, 𝐨𝐦𝐛/𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐚𝐦𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐧Where stories live. Discover now