fifty seven.

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After school, Coop and I went to the store and bought our ski masks. I told Billy that I was gonna hang out with her again, and he didn't protest.

We stood outside of the store and Coop said, "Okay, we got the ski masks. Now what?"

"Now we get Shawn's fucking gun," I said aggressively.

"Oh god, I'm not ready for this. I've been jumpy all day!"

"Well you need to calm the fuck down. We're just getting the gun, we ain't shooting him yet," I told her.

"Yeah, but what if he's home?!"

"That's where you come in again. I need you to unblock Shawn."


I elaborated. "You need to lure Shawn out! Tell him to meet you somewhere, he'll go for you!"

Coop exhaled and took out her phone. "Fine, man. But we gotta do this quick! When he finds out that I'm not meeting up with him, he's gonna know something's up!"

"Just do it!"

We began walking towards Prophet territory and I glanced over at Coop. She's texting Shawn by the looks of it.

"Okay. He said where."

"The park."

Coop sent the text and her phone vibrated. "Okay, he's going."

"What did you say?"

"I told him that I wanna work things out."

"Damn, I ain't tell you to do all that!"

Coop put her phone away. "Whatever. It's already done so we need to hurry up. And we need to watch out for Prophets too!"

She's getting on my nerves a little bit with her worries. "Man, stop worrying! We'll be unseen! You know damn well that the gang is more active at night!"

Coop looked over at me. "Okay, I'mma be honest. Your tone is real aggressive today."

"Because I'm fucking mad! Monse was really talking to Cesar for what?! We get into one argument and she's already going back to the dude who cheated on her?! It makes no sense!"

"I'm telling you Trelle, cuff her before it's too late!" Coop warned.

"It shouldn't be a fucking race! She shouldn't be going back to trash!"

"Or maybe y'all shouldn't be arguing about dumb shit," Coop countered.

I briefly glared at Coop. "It's not dumb shit. I need my revenge and you agree too. Monse is just an unproblematic goody two shoes so she doesn't understand."

Coop's so over us at this point. "Man, y'all need counseling and y'all ain't even together yet."

I rolled my eyes. "Whatever. How was your day?"

𝐡𝐨𝐰 𝐰𝐞 𝐜𝐚𝐦𝐞 𝐭𝐨 𝐛𝐞, 𝐨𝐦𝐛/𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐚𝐦𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐧Where stories live. Discover now