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The pitch black sky was starless that night, kids dressed in superhero costumes or serial killers were running from booth to booth followed by their very agitated parents. A festival was being held at the Maria Stark Foundation, their campus was big enough to host a massive festival for fundraising. There were about fifty different game booths scattered around, twenty food carts, and of course, a haunted house. Alora and Jada had been wanting to do something for Halloween, and since nobody could say no to festivals and dressing up, they put the idea in forward motion.

"I'm not leaving until I get that unicorn!" A little girl screamed, face flushed and sweat messing up her butterfly make up.

"I said enough is enou—Emily!" The mother called after the little girl with blonde pig tails who dashed back to the booth, the mother following behind shortly. "Emily, get your tiny little butt back here!"

Alora low whistle as she takes a seat beside a heavily pregnant Ava Herrera-Prime, they both sat underneath a tent at the very entrance of the festival. They were in charge of handing out the tickets for the festival, Alora was dressed as Cindy Lou Who since the woman had always loved that character. Cindy was so generous and naïve, those traits allowed her to truly see that the Grinch was suffering underneath all that cold and arrogant exterior. Alora felt identified with the kid, the youngest Stark would go through extreme lengths just to ensure that the people around her are safe and happy, that was both her curse and gift. Alora never knew when to stop giving, she didn't understand that if she waters the plants too much they will die, but after her trip to New Mexico she learned that it was okay to struggle because everyone had their own thing going on.

"God." Ava chuckle as she rubbed her huge belly, she was dressed as the serial killer from the movie Halloween, the woman was no ordinary female. "Look at 'em, that's going to be me in a few years."

Alora smiled tenderly, glancing at the beautiful woman, her hair was tied into a low pony tail so she could wear the mask properly. "I know, I'm so excited. I can't believe it's only been eleven months since I've met you and I'm already getting a little sister-in-law."

Ava smiled, she reached for Alora's hand and patted it. "I am so happy Chris met you, you've changed his life." Ava confessed. "I've never seen him so happy and full of life, you've brought out the best version of him and I thank you for that. That boy had it roughed, I still remember when Nick first introduced us, he was so quiet and shy and he barely even made an effort to get to know me. He was hurting and I understood him, I know what it's like to lose someone. But then weeks went by and we started to bond, he has such an amazing heart and I know he's in good hands."

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