Day 08

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Day 08 - A Song That You Know All The Words To

Well, that would be... a lot, of songs. Such as HELENA <3 Alas, I've already used that song so I'm going to pick another song. Hmmm, there are lots, but I have to pick one, don't I? Geedammit.

So I know basically every My Chemical Romance song off by heart. Obviously I can't put them all, so I'll pick the one highest on my most listened to playlist. Just a sec.

... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

As it turns out, that would be Helena. The next two are songs from Green Day, which if you ask me the lyrics I would only know certain bits, so I can't put them.

New plan: Put music on shuffle and the first that I know all the words to (and hasn't been used before) is elected! Ready? Set? Steady? GO!

;-; okay, first song is a big fat NO.

AHA! I know all the words to.... DESERT SONG [My Chemical Romance of course]! A wonderful song, if I do say so myself. Here are the lyrics:

[Verse 1]

We hold in our hearts the sword and the faith.

Swelled up like a rain clouds move like a wraith.

Well afterall we'll lie another day.

And through it all we'll find some other way.

To carry on through cartilage and fluid.

And did you come to stare or wash away the blood?


Well tonight, well tonight will it ever come?

Spend the rest of your days rockin' out,

Just for the dead!

Well tonight, will it ever come?

I can see you awake, anytime, In my head.

[Verse 2]

Did we all fall down?

Did we all fall down?

Did we all fall down?

Did we all fall down?

From the lights to the pavement.

From the van to the floor.

From backtage to the doctor.

From the Earth to the morgue, morgue, morgue, MORGUE!


All fall down

Well afterall.

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