Day 30

11 1 0

Day 30 - Your Favourite Song From This Time Last Year

Seeing as I've been doing this for much longer than 30 days (whoops), I'm going to do my favourite song from the time I started doing this minus a year. Coz it was very different back then.

So, it's kind of vague but I do remember listening to pop music (what was wrong with me? D:). Well, not just anything but mostly the awesome beat rap-style songs. I know for certain that my two favourite songs in the past have been whatever that Olly Murs song is (something about dancing), Magic by B.o.B and Earthquake by Labrinth and Tinie Tempah I think it is... anyway, I'm going to go with Earthquake coz I'm pretty sure that was the most recent song I was into.

So yeah. Favourite pop song is what this basically turned out to be (although actually I did like Na Na Na back then but didn't really know My Chemical Romance yet). No matter. I made up my mind and I'm pretty sure it's accurate...

I guess that concludes that then. Thanks everyone for reading and voting (I don't know you did though) coz it makes me feel a little better about myself xD which is sad, but true.

Post note: sorry I thought I uploaded this ages ago! Obviously not. This is then now, so I guess I'll give it the lovely green tick and *poof* done I won't have to worry about it ever again xD

Goodbye, beautifuls. Don't forget to smile :) (heh Michael James and HaiLedaBear references xD)

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