Day 11

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Day 11 - A Song From Your Favourite Band

D8 This is probably the best, and worst question ever. Because it's my favourite band, which no doubt anyone reading would know by now is My Chemical Romance, but it means I have to pick out of every single song of theirs! And I love each and every song! 

So in honour of the release of Conventional Weapons Three yesterday (and because I can't pick Helena again), I've decided on The Light Behind Your Eyes. Youtube made that choice easier for me because I'm listening to the Conventional Weapons playlist came on, and that song is playing as I'm typing this, so yeah. If you haven't heard it already, or any Conventional Weapons, you should now. Because you are seriously missing out on some beautiful shizzle. The Light Behind Your Eyes has a strings accompanyment and everything!

And now Ambulance is on. I should publish this before I change my mind whenever a new song comes on... hahaha :)

30 Day Song ChallengeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora