Day 28

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Day 28 - A Song That Makes You Feel Guilty

Okay, just to clear things up, I don't really get the requirements. How does listening to a song make you feel guilty? Unless maybe you're listening to the song when you're supposed to be doing something important, like a job or homework or feeding Marley the goldfish... Or maybe, you killed someone you regretted killing whilst listening to a song, so now every time you hear that song it makes you feel guilty? I really don't know.

Let's give it a go anyway! Possibly the only time I'd feel guilty listening to a song would be if I was listening to something my mum doesn't permit (profanity and screaming). But that's basically every second song I own on my iPod. It's only when they're around, too, and I feel like they can hear it as loud as I can with earphones on...

I guess, when I listen to Innocent High by Blood On The Dance Floor I always feel... weird. It's so catchy, but so wrong. It absolutely sucks when it gets stuck in your head because you can't sing it aloud (especially at school; songs about student-teacher relationships are most likely not welcomed).

Ooh! Actually, what I find worse than Blood On The Dance Floor in that sense (worse than BOTDF, you're thinking), is Jeffree Star. Just his voice creeps me out. I'm sorry, that's probably really mean of me to say, but it's true. Jeffree Star's voice gives me the creeps.

Nope. I've got it. The song that makes me feel guilty. I don't actually have it on my iPod, but my friend did. I haven't heard it in years. What is it, you may ask. Black Dahlia by Hollywood Undead. It's a powerful song with a deep(ish?) meaning, but one of the lyrics goes "...every time I f***ed you!" The way they say the f word (don't make fun of me for not swearing D:<) is just so... Harsh sounding. It makes me cringe every time, and I just want to turn it off. Never really happened to me before (well, actually the time I saw one of Lady Gaga's music videos...) so that's why I've picked that one. Yeah.

Oh great, now I have to listen to that -..-

30 Day Song ChallengeOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz