Day 24

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Day 24 - A Song You Want Played At Your Funeral

Would you look at that? To be honest, I've song more thinking of a funeral song than a wedding song. I think it stemmed from when my friend told me that if anything were to ever happen to her, that I would make sure they played Angels On The Moon at her funeral for her. And really, I find its quite an appropriate song. But I didn't want to just tell her to play the same thing for me, because apart from being unoriginal, she was the kind of person who'd get offended if people copied her.

Since then, I've been doing a lot of pondering over the matter. It has to be a song I like, by a band I like (or singer, I suppose), and the lyrics should match.

I'd always planned on having a My Chemical Romance song, though. Because then no matter what song it is, it will be dear to me. I thought maybe Welcome To The Black Parade was a good one, but after some deeper thinking I realised perhaps not.

I have virtually every song out there to choose from. Hopefully I'll have a while to think it over, but here and now, I must pick. Sort of like a back up, in case I get hit by a car tomorrow.

In which case you guys should just spam my message board with random shiz. That'd totally make my day. I mean, if I died I'd probably be looking for something to cheer me up.

It would be so cool though if some song from American Horror Story played. That show is just brill. My best friend got me into it yesterday. I'm already six episodes in c: such an intense story line! Definitely recommend it to anyone who's into that sort of stuff and hasn't seen it already.

Getting off topic!!

Heh, I'm trying to think of a good song, but I'm listening to The Phoenix by Fall Out Boy, so it's making things a bit hard. And I don't want to change the song.

It's a good song.

Okay, now the song's over I can check through my iPod :3

I don't think Merry Christmas Kiss My Ass is a very appropriate song for a funeral... Do you? Haha

Okay. I think I found it. That was really quick, only the second song!

Wait... Did I pick this one before? It would kinda suck if I did... Lemme check...

Nope! So I bet you're dying (heh) to find out the title of the song? Well, I was thinking Ritual by Black Veil Brides is a good song. Even though its not a My Chem song.

And if not Ritual, then Saviour's good too. Even still, I don't think a song with screaming in it would be very good... My mum - stereotypically - believes its satanic.

So I think I'll stick with Ritual for now. It'll probably change later, but that's okay. It's perfectly human. If I didn't, you'd have to start worrying about me. On top of all the other things people worry about me.


Post Script:

Guise. I know I very literally just posted this not a minute ago, but I just found another great song (and it's a My Chemical Romance one). It's very fitting, possibly even more so than Ritual.

The Light Behind Your Eyes. "I've failed and lost this fight, never fade in the dark, just remember you will always shine as bright." Very appropriate lyrics for a funeral.

Okay, peace out peeps.

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