Day 27

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Day 27 - A Song You Wish You Could Play

Yay anther update! Good thing too, because I'm kinda getting tired of listening to the same songs (and one I already hated). I STILL LOVE HELENA THOUGH. Well, truth be told, I haven't been listening to those same few songs the entirety of the time this thing has been going. I have the playlist, and I listen to it for one day per chapter, so that I will have been listening to them for only 30 days, and not 628292937 millennia :)

So. I song I wish I could play. Well, I am learning to play Resurrect The Sun by Black Veil Brides on guitar... but I haven't yet. Anyway, I don't think learn-ing counts.

Actually, I know (wow I'm on a roll today, deciding on songs really quickly)! I've had The Anthem by Good Charlotte stuck in my head ALL DAY, and I've been running around playing air guitar to it and everything. Well, I do love that song, and I've always wanted to learn it... I haven't even looked at tabs or chords (or lyrics ;P though I pretty much know them all off by heart) so it's valid!!

(P.S. I also wish I could play a whole heap of other songs like Thank You For The Venom by My Chemical Romance and You Can Never Hurt A Mushroom by All Year Round.)

(P.P.S. You guys need to check out All Year Round, they are an amazing australian band just starting out; they opened up for All Time Low and that's how I found out about them. I met the singer and she gave me a wristband and they're all really nice.)

(P.P.P.S. I do still want to rip my head off every time I see that I skipped Day 12 and it now no longer goes in order.)

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