Desert Recon Mission: Part 2

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After the 20 minutes went by I could feel Eren struggling a little to hold everything in place. "I'm ready to take back over," I whispered. He nodded and I took back over. Petra gave him a nod and we continued making our way towards the camp. Every once in awhile we would have Ymir ask a spirit if we were going the right way still.

She seemed to be a lot quieter today when talking with or about the spirits. Usually, she would tell us who is around and helping, or they would make themselves known in some way, but this time she wasn't even thinking about who was helping us. Maybe she and her guardian spirit got in a fight? Can that even happen... Probably, I mean Ymir is very stubborn. I don't know all I know is I can feel the awkward tension coming from her.

We only took one more 45-minute break between the last one and when we reached the camp, but that's only because we pushed ourselves to keep going through the pain. I could feel both my pain and Petra's and when we finally reached the camp and Eren took over I felt so relieved.

My arms were aching and throbbing. I was dizzy and there was a searing pain in my muscles. I definitely overdid it this time. When Eren fully took over and I was able to let go I had to stop myself from blacking out. I was shaking and sweating and Eren looked at me and I felt his worry pour into me.

"I'm okay," I whispered trying to catch my breath.

Petra was in pretty bad shape too. She was exhausted, nauseous, and suffering from severe vertigo. That was just the mild stuff that we already knew could happen, but we've gone into the unknown territory and discovered some more backlashes for her.

Her arms had stiffened up and were hard to move almost like they solidified and locked into place. I;m hoping this backlash isn't permanent, but no matter how many times I told her not to push herself she insisted on pushing forward. She kept saying "we're almost there," but her thoughts showed the truth. She was punishing herself for not being there to help us free Ilsa. She kept thinking she deserves the pain if it will save people's lives in the end.

As much as I wanted to stop her I didn't feel it was right to bring this up in front of everyone, when we get back home from the mission I have to check in with her, or at least have mom or Hanji do it. She might talk to them more.

While the others set up for the mission and got a little plan in motion about how long everything will take and how Armin can find the hole when he's ready to come back I turned to Petra. I had her lay her head in my lap and I used the last bit of my energy to push so much exhaustion on her that she fell asleep. She needed the rest and she was practically begging for the world to stop spinning.

Eren looked over at us when they finished there plan and saw her sleeping and gave me a nod. "She needs that right now," he said giving me a smile. "So do you."

"You're not getting rid of me that easily," I said. It would have sounded more convincing if I could keep my head up.

I guess in the end I did end up dozing off. I woke back up at the end of the mission when Armin came back. Eren shook my arm and told me to wake Petra. "How long were we asleep?" I asked as Petra woke up.

"About an hour or so," he shrugged.

"Is it time to go home?" Petra asked as she yawned quietly.

The others just all looked at each other before Eren let out a disappointed sigh. "There are too many guards here to portal out, do you think you two have a little more tunneling in you?"

I could tell how much Eren hated to ask that question, but I knew he wouldn't ask it unless he needed too.

I looked over at Petra it's her call. I can do it, I might face some consequences later, but right now she's the one already struggling with backlash. The stiffness in her arms has lessened, but hasn't completely gone away.

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