Tensions Rise

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Mike started walking up and it was obvious they were going to introduce the more mature people first. "Looks like they started with the old people," I mumbled and Eren elbowed me.

"That's mean," He said but he betrayed himself as he let a snicker slip past his lips.

Pixis just raised an eyebrow at both of us. Shit, he wasn't supposed to hear me. "Yes we did start with the old people," he mumbled to me, "is there something wrong with that."

"Nope, not at all," I said, trying not to laugh.

I looked at Mike as he stopped in front of everyone. It's been a while since he's been in his costume. He was wearing black jeans with a drown jacket that had a black stripe going down the sleeves. His mask is normally plain black, but today he doesn't seem to be wearing it. He also had black noise-canceling earmuffs. For his power noise canceling just made him hear at a normal level he usually only wears them when he starts getting overwhelmed. They were around his neck at the moment.

"I'm Mike, my codename is bloodhound, and my power is remote tracking and heightened senses." They greeted him and introduced themselves before he headed back to his room.

The next person who came out was Eld. "Oh look another old person," Pixis leaned over looking at me and Eren who were just trying to hold it together at this point. We get it you heard us talking shit but good lord I didn't expect you to play along.

His costume was just a normal black jacket with a white strap on the sleeves. The only other thing on his jacket was a volume signal getting crossed out. His black mask had a red X over it. He walked up pulling off his mask. Rather than walking up to the others, he walked up to me.

He didn't say anything, but his thoughts were loud and clear in my head. My voice is giving me trouble today. Could you relay the message?

I nodded before stepping away from the sidelines where I was standing and coming front and center with him.

"Everyone, this is Eld. His codename is the silencer, and his power is he can control what people say or silence them. He apologizes for not introducing himself, but his power backlash has permanently damaged his vocal cords and some days it's hard for him to speak." As I was speaking Eld was using sign language just signing that he was very sorry. He was afraid of coming off as rude.

To my surprise, Nanaba actually signed back to him. Telling him It's okay and there was no need to be sorry.

I guess she saw the look of shock on our faces, because she quickly mumbled out, "I'm far from fluent, but I know enough to know what he was saying."

They all introduced themselves and he headed back to his room, but not before thanking them for being so understanding.

Petra was the next person sent out. It was so weird seeing her in her costume since she hardly ever goes on missions. She was wearing a white lab coat with black jeans and a black shirt that had the periodic table on it. Lastly, her mask was actually a gas mask. Upon seeing everyone else with their masks off she pulled off the gas mask with a look of relief that she didn't have to wear it anymore.

Her and Auruo's costumes look the most like teachers. Her costume aside from the gas mask reminds me of a chemistry teacher. Auruo's reminds me of an English teacher since his jacket is the only thing designed and all it says is the word revolution in different languages. My favorite is the sign language version on his back. I was snapped back to reality when Petra started talking.

"Hello." She gave everyone a friendly smile before introducing herself, "I'm Petra, My codename is The Chemist, and my power is manipulating the states of matter." They all responded with their names, codenames, and powers back to her. She nodded before heading back to her room.

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