Family Meeting

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"What do you mean?" Pixis asked. "What's wrong?"

"We need to call a "family" meeting." Pixis's face got serious as he turned to Shadis. "Wake them up."

Shadis ran to the room and everyone headed up to the top floor. It was a big room with nothing but a long table and a ton of chairs that Petra and I had made.

Eren and I sat at the head of the table this time since we were the ones that called the meeting. We waited for everyone to finish stumbling in. Everyone looked half asleep as they took their seats. We had the two new people take a seat off to the side. When Shadis came in and gave us a nod we knew everyone was here.

I stood up to speak but the second I tried I was cut off. "What's so important that you had to wake everyone up?" Reiner asked he was trying to sound pissed, but I could tell he was worried. We hardly ever have to call family meetings. The last time we had to call one was when they implemented the badge system.

"While talking to the people we rescued Eren and I realized something that you are going to all want to hear." I looked at the two guests who were sitting off to the side to see if they would be willing to come up and talk, but they both seemed too nervous. I just took a breath and continued.

"There were two people who we rescued who didn't seem like they belonged; they weren't exiles and they didn't seem like they were rebelling in any way. So we asked them why they got captured."

Eren stood up as I took a breath, "They were both taken from their homes in the middle of the night. Both of them are blue badges. They are taking out any people who are potentially threatening before they even do anything." I heard whispers throughout the room.

"The government is now kidnapping it's citizens in the middle of the night and shipping them off to correctional camps," I started back up again, "or worse, one of the people we rescued was threatened to be shot if he resisted. It makes me wonder how many people were shot in their own homes because of this." I asked specifically looking at Auruo, Molbit, and Mom. I was going to talk with them privately later to try and figure out if they could find out how many times this has happened. Auruo could help us get in contact with allies that might know whereas Molbit and Mom could figure out through their roles as spies.

The room roared with everyone's frustration as they all expressed how disturbed this made them.

"I knew they were all stupid but this... this is insane!" Ymir shouted.

"They are killing innocent people!" Hanna yelled.

"How could they do this? Do they not have any remorse?" I heard Mom say.

"That's horrible," Christa shook her head.

"They really are some sick fucks," Annie closed her eyes and put a hand over her face.

"We have to do something about this!" Jean said, shooting to his feet.

They all started yelling in Harmony. I could tell Eren wasn't really able to follow along with the chaos that roared across the room. I, on the other hand, was able to follow a little better.

"Alright. Everyone quiet down please!" Pixis spoke up, "I know this all sounds troubling and I know we all want to do something about it, but as of right now we need to get more information before we can," he said trying to calm everyone down. "As for right now, the meeting is over you should all go back to bed. We will be discussing this more in the days to come."

Everyone slowly cleared out of the room and I could feel the anger coming off of most of them still, though I could be blinded by my own rage as well. "Nice catch," Pixis said, walking up to Eren and I. "We would have never realized this was happening if it weren't for you two. I'll have Auruo look into it in the morning."

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