№33|DeVille Cup Finals: A Battle For The Ages!

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"IT'S KAKASHI! Get it correct!" Rosemary and Gillian shouted.

"Nerds," Juniper scoffed, "anyways, it's like that, with Copy Magi I can replicate any magic I see and even combine magic to make it stronger, like this," Juniper placed her hands together, "Black Ice Lighting Lance!"

Sevel bolts of black lightning dropped onto Emma, once the lightning made contact, it froze, turning into spikes of ice.

"What the hell?!" Emma yelled, trying her best to dodge the move but ultimately got hit.

"Here's another example! Tornado Fang!" Juniper thrusted her arm towards Emma, sending a series of tornadoes in her direction.

"Shit! Ice Shield!" a large shield was made in front of her made of multiple pointed segments that connect to form the shield. Once the tornadoes hit the shield, it shattered, enveloping her in the wind and sending her flying, inflicting heavy damage on her.

"You can't defeat me," Juniper cackled, "just forfeit now, it'll be better for all of us."

"That's it!" Emma yelled, she tore off her shirt, leaving her in a sports bra and her pants. She pointed to the Golden Dragon mark on her left breast, "you see this! This is the mark I got 20 years ago when I joined the Golden Dragons! I made a promise not to let anyone hurt my gang as long as I live!"

"Awe, too bad, I guess you're gonna have to erase that mark." Juniper shrugged, "oh well."

"For all that you did to Cruella, Marmalade, and Gillian, I'll make sure all that pain is repaid in full!" the snowflake on her palm glowed brightly as ice began to emit from her palm. With remarkable shaping speed, a vast amount of swords are created, all made of ice in various shapes and sizes.

The weapons were connected by a large chain of ice that spiraled around Emma several times with the blade pointing outwards. Emma then swung one arm forward and one backward, sending the large chain of weapon towards Juniper.

"Try to copy this!" Emma cackled, hitting Juniper with the spell. She became trapped with ice spikes around her.

"Cute, but let's see if they can hold up against the heat! Burning Land!" Juniper touched her temple with her finger to set the ground ablaze with a mere touch of her hand. The inferno grew larger the farther away it gets from Juniper, before ultimately striking Emma from below with a massive flame.

Smoke covered the view of the audience, once the smoke cleared, Emma laid on the floor, badly burned. Sergio leaped down from the stand, running to Emma's side.

"Emma! Emma! Emma! Open your eyes." Sergio shook her slightly, trying to wake his wife.

Emma opened her eyes slightly, "sorry..." she muttered as the nurses loaded her onto the stretcher.

"For what?"

"I promised you that I would keep our gang safe...losing to that bitch is the opposite of all I promised the gang." Emma frowned. Sergio kissed her forehead.

"Hey, Hey, it's okay," Sergio intertwined his fingers with her, "Marmalade is going up next, and if she can't do it, I'm sure Cruella will finish her."

"Let's go Marmalade!" Dizzy yelled, "kick her ass for the Ruby Rebels!"

Marmalade laughed, waving back at Dizzy, "hi Dizzy, hi Shawn!"

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