№19|Welcome to Tokyo!

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№19|Welcome to Tokyo!

Saree was awakened to the delightful and sometimes annoying sound of her boyfriend snoring. She giggled as she noticed the position they were in, Ector had his arms wrapped around her as he rested his head on her breasts.

“Get away...from her...don't you touch...my little bat.” Ector muttered in his sleep. Saree smiled at the nickname Ector used for her, she loved that she was his little bat. She threaded her fingers through his unruly chestnut hair.

“Ector,” she cooed, “good morning.”

Ector smiled, “you woke me up from a delightful dream.”

“What was it about?” Saree pondered. “Hmm, it was about this beautiful vampire princess that I was sworn to protect from bandits.” Ector smiled, kissing Saree’s cheeks. “And who was this vampire princess?”

Ector chuckled, “you already know it’s you.” Saree giggled when she felt Ector’s fingers trail down to her hips, “Ector, as much as I would love to have you do the things you do to me, it’s almost 10 am and we promised we'd meet the others at the mechanics and we need to shower.”

“I wouldn't mind taking a shower with you~,” Ector cooed. “No,” Saree sighed, “I’d love to take a shower with you but that’ll take too long and we’re running on a time limit darling.” Saree kissed his lips, “but once we get on the plane, we can make out a little.”

Ector smiled as he watched Saree walk into the bathroom with her towel. Ector laid back down on the bed, looking at the picture on his nightstand of Sergio, him, Gabriella, Hex, and Ector’s best friend Milo.

“I always thought you’d be up there with my father, but I guess you beat him to it, huh?”

“He was never there to begin with, Ector, you dumbass.” Milo shook his head, his spirit coming out of the picture. “How’s everything on your side?” Ector asked. “Eh, could be better. It’s dark, and cold, but talking to you keeps me company.” Milo smiled widely.

“I always thought the afterlife was sunny?” Ector chuckled. “Never mind.” Milo rolled his eyes. “You and Saree look happy.” 

“Milo,” Ector smiled at him “with me and Saree, I feel this overwhelming happiness! I mean, the blood sucking was weird at first, but I got used to it. Oh, and don't get my started on how beautiful she is! Sometimes I wonder if the gods knew I wanted someone just like her!”

“You sound thrilled,” Milo folded his hands behind his head in a relaxed position, “must be nice. I got to say, I’m a little jealous of you and Saree, but I am happy for you two.”

“I’m sure your spouse is in up there waiting for you to find them.” Ector assured him. “No, Ector, you don't get it, I’m not-” Milo sighed, “never mind, you’ll see.”

Ector shrugged as Milo disappeared, his attention focusing on Saree as she exited the bathroom. “Shower’s free.” Saree noticed he was staring at her. “What?” she asked.

“I love you,” Ector smiled, “you know that, right?”

“Of course,” Saree grinned ear to ear, “I love you too, Ector!”

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