The witcher kissed her chin, and went to kiss her on the lips but she raised a finger to his lips, "Mmm not here."


The sorceress ran a hand across his wrinkled grey skin, "We need to attend the ball. If we take this too far neither of us will want to leave." The witcher, sighed but slowly nodded and quickly sank into the water. He took a breath before he stood back up, dripping wet. Triss smiled up at his toned muscular chest. Even with his skin, he was quite handsome. As the pair finished drying off, the sorceress had (F/N) get dressed while she did her own hair. She decided to braid a few strands and make one large bun in the back, it was simple, yet with her bright red hair it was quite attractive.

The witcher slowly got dressed, Elihal had insisted that the garment was supposed to be tighter in certain areas. Of course, he disagreed, claiming that the event was formal, but in the end, he couldn't argue with the tailor. (F/N) quickly finished putting on the black garb with yellow and white wool woven in. Triss was already waiting for him, fully dressed, no doubt with the assistance of magic. She smiled when she saw the young witcher, "Oh my..." her eyes scanned him, "You certainly took my request to heart. I thought you'd be wearing clean armor."

The witcher smiled, as he bowed slightly, "Whenever a lady makes a request of me, I have a hard time refusing."

Triss leaned forward, her strapless low-cut dress made her look beautiful, "Well you look great. Now...there was one little thing I wanted to add."

The witcher tilted his head in confusions, but then he got her meaning, " mean my face. I was thinking I could wear my hood and mask, it might be hot, but I'll manage."

The enchantress laughed, "That's sweet of you to offer, but...I was wondering if I could use an illusion to make you look more..."


The sorceress paused, "I..."

"I know what you mean. It's alright, Triss. I trust you," the witcher nodded, a smile slowly spread across his wrinkled lips, as he slowly shut his eyes. He was imagining she'd just smooth his skin out. He was wrong.

The sorceress smiled as she slowly said a spell, her hands burst into orange energy. The witcher felt his skin start to burn slightly, but it was nothing too serious. When he opened his eyes, he saw Triss was staring at him, "Wow..." she softly whispered.

(F/N) frowned as he walked over to a mirror and stared at his face. His eyes widened, his skin wasn't just smoothed out, it was normal, it was it's old (S/C) shade. He looked at his hands in disbelief, they looked callused but normal as well. His hair was it's old (H/C) it was completely full, and not patchy or falling out. The only thing that he missed were his eyes, they were yellow like Geralts. (F/N) missed his red eyes, they had grown on him, but as he was like this he truly felt like a real witcher. He flexed his fingers. He slowly turned and looked at the enchantress, his voice didn't sound parched and half dead,  "Triss...I...thank you."

The sorceress walked up to him and rubbed his muscular arms, "For all you do, you deserve it."

The witcher turned and looked at his reflection, he looked like a true witcher, one where the trial of grasses had gone correctly, one where Yennefer hadn't been selfish. A part of him wished he could stay like this forever, but illusions were just that, illusions, he preferred hideous reality than a blissful illusion. But this, this was only for tonight. He ran a hand over his face, he could feel his rough wrinkled skin. He picked up his bat mask but chose not to put it on, he didn't feel like covering his face. Not yet.

The witcher looked at Triss, "I'm ready to go if you are." The sorceress smiled and wrapped her arms around his, "I am. It's a shame events like this are so rare. Without them I'd never get to see you get dressed up or see your handsome face."

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