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3 Months later

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3 Months later

I had it all worked out with my parents to let Judson stay the night with them so I could take Raylee out on a date again and this time I'm going to propose.

Since she rode with me on my bike to work it will be easy to get her on the bike. I've already been to my thinking area and have a blanket laid out with a picnic basket and lights in the tree.

She meets me out at the Harley and was putting her helmet on. "So I made plans and Judson is with my parents for the night. We get another night alone." I smiled.

"Oh yay! We can be as loud as we want to." She giggled straddling my bike.

"Hang on beautiful we are going on an adventure." I smile back at her.

Once we turn off on a certain road she knew exactly where we were going. She squeezes my ribs tighter and then wraps her arms around me.

I pull up close to the picnic blanket and basket and jump off and look at her.

She bit her lip and looks up for me. "This is for me?"

"All of it is for you. Come on beautiful let's go over to the blanket. I grab her hand and lead her over to sit down.

I open the basket and mom made us taco rolls with beef and cheese and two slices of chocolate cake.

"I love this so much, Parker. You put so much thought into this. I appreciate it so much." She smiled.

"I love you Raylee and I wanted us to have a special date that didn't include other people." I smile unwrapping the tacos.

After we eat and drink we lay back on the blanket like we always do with her in between my legs and her head on my chest. I run my fingers through her hair and kiss the side of her face.

I'm so flipping nervous I'm not sure how or when to propose but I need to do it soon. "Why don't we walk over to the clearing area and see what we can see," I said.

She gets up and helps me up and we walk over to the clearing and peer over and see a pretty waterfall. Not a large one but enough to get wet from.

"Look how pretty it is." She said.

"I can see that beautiful but my view is better," I said getting down on one knee.

She turns around and sees me and pauses and throws her hand over her mouth and begins to cry.

"Raylee every since you bumped into me that day you changed my life. I tried to ask who you were only to my surprise to see you a couple more times. Me and you were meant to be and I want to share the rest of my life with you. I love you and Judson so much and I just want you to be my wife. So will you marry me?" I ask.

She shakes her head up and down yes then moves toward me. "Yes, Parker! I will Marry you!" She said jumping up and down and then throws her arms around me and kisses my lips aggressively.

"Here let me get the ring on your finger before I drop it and we can't find it." I laugh.

"Its beautiful Parker. How did you know I like pear shapes?" She asked.

"I didn't... Judson and I kinda picked it out together after I asked him if I could marry you." I smile.

"You did? You are the best you know that? I can't wait to marry you." She said smiling on her tiptoes for a kiss.

"Well, let's get married soon. How fast can you get something together?" I ask her.

"Gosh I don't know Parker but I got the flowers covered." She giggles.

"Well future Mrs. Cohen lets go home, shall we? Maybe we should do a treasure hunt. Its been hard to do with Judson in the house." He said.

"Sounds good we will go home and change into PJs and do some hunting. Let's go future husband." She smiles at me and walks over to the bike and grabs her helmet.

I join her on the bike and head to the house. With so many thought running through my head but I know that I'm the happiest I've ever been.

Once home we lock up and head up to our bedroom and change into comfy clothes and I go and grab a picture.

~You will find this quick it's under the thing we hated to run on.~

"Ohhh that would be the treadmill. We put it in the basement didn't we?" She asked.

"Yeah, its downstairs in my workout room but where would it be?" I asked.

"Probably taped to the bottom lets go see." She laughed.

We got to the basement and I turn it over and sure enough taped to the bottom was a bunch of money.

"I'm just not surprised anymore are you?" She giggles.

"No, not really I'm not. Lets put it in the safe." I said.

"You know I'm really surprised that Mick hasn't been over to beat my ass for paying off his mortgage." She laughed.

"Maybe he doesn't know yet or he hasn't had time," I said.

"Yeah, something but I'm just happy I could do it." She smiled.

We walked back into the bedroom and laid on the bed. "Are you ready for some sleep? I'm sure my parents will want all the details tomorrow." I said.

"Let's just take a pic and send it to them. If we send it to everyone we won't have to explain." She said.

We sit close in the bed and I kiss the side of her face while she places her hand over her mouth and shows the other hand to the camera. I snap the pic and then we look at it.

"What do you think beautiful?" I ask.

"It looks great now let's not forget to send it in the morning. Otherwise, we will be up all night answering questions." She laughs.

I lay my phone down and cut the light off and scoot closer to Raylee and we snuggle. I kiss her cheek and fall asleep.

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