Ch 19 🌸

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I wake up the next morning still wrapped in Parker's arms

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I wake up the next morning still wrapped in Parker's arms. It's a great feeling and maybe I do like him. We didn't get to finish our conversation last night when he said he liked me.

I quietly unwrap from him and head to the bathroom to shower. Once I'm done I wrap a towel around me and put on makeup and lotions and deodorant and brush my teeth when there is a knock at the door. I open it to a smiling Parker.

"I'm sorry I just wanted to tell you I'm headed downstairs to shower." he smiles looking me up and down.

"Ok, I'm about done if u want to come in here to shower. I just need to go change." I said.

"Alright that sounds good then and I will just shower up here." He said walking back over to his bag to grab some stuff.

Once he's in the bathroom I grab my panties and bra and slip them on then grab a pair of holy jeans and a t-shirt throw them on then a pair of socks and my nikes.

I go downstairs and fix us a couple of waffles with strawberries and make some coffee. Parker walks in the kitchen and smiles. "Wow, breakfast this is nice. Thanks, Raylee." He said.

"It's no problem I thought I would make us something before we go." I smile.

"Can I ask you a question?" He smiles popping a strawberry slice in his mouth.

"Sure what?" I ask.

"Can I take you to work today on my bike?" he smirked.

"Your bike? I've never been on a bike," I said.

"So is that a yes then? It's not like we aren't going to the same place." He smiled over at me.

"Alright, but on one condition you can't do anything crazy because I'm scared," I said.

"I won't do anything to make you afraid Raylee. You ready to go?" He asked.

"Let me grab my little over the shoulder strap to carry my license and stuff be right back," I said.

Once I got back downstairs we made sure the alarm was on and went out to the garage and he placed a helmet on my head and tightened it up before putting his own on. He rolled the bike out of the garage so we could head out.

"Ok, Raylee I want you to get on the bike now and once I get on I want you to wrap your arms around me tight ok? That way you can hang on and whichever I lean you lean too ok?"

"Ok, I think I got it." I smile watching him get on the bike.

"Ok, now you put your foot on that peg and get on." He smiled at me.

I used his shoulder and put my foot on the peg and straddled the bike and sit down. He sits down too and I scooted up close to him and wrapped my arms around his waist and hang on.

"Are you ok?" He shouted at me.

"Yeah, I'm fine," I yelled back and hold on tighter to him feeling his abs through his shirt and I like the feeling.

We pull up at work and he parks and tells me to get off which I do and then wait for him to take my helmet off. Once he's off he takes his off and places it on the handlebar and turns to me to unbuckle mine.

I watch his face and lips as he smiles and removes the helmet and I sling my hair from side to side.

"Damn girl that was hot." He laughs.

"Slinging my hair is hot?" I ask looking puzzled.

"Yeah your long blonde hair after taking that helmet off." He laughs.

"Your silly Parker" I smack his chest and when I do he grabs my hand and squeezes it. He pulls me closer to him "I'll see you at lunch ok?" He asks.

"Of course I'll see you around 12." I smile at him and walk off toward the flower shop.

Looking over my shoulder and he is still standing there watching me with a smile on his face.

"Uh-huh, I saw you two all cozy on that bike," Maxine smirks.

"Oh hush you Parker is just my friend and he asked me to ride with him this morning so I did." I smiled.

"Did he stay over again last night?" She asked.

"He did after Zack installed my new security system and then officer Stone came by and took a statement because my dad had shown up again yesterday," I said.

"I'm glad you got that installed Raylee because you need some sort of protection after how he acted at the funeral." She said.

"And another friend of Parkers his name is Wes he is going to get the pool fixed for me," I said.

"Oh, I have heard about him and his clients." She laughs.

"Yeah I have too and Parker warned him to stay away from me." I laugh.

"Well I hope he gets your pool settled and I hope your dad doesn't come back. Let's go back in the back Nadine is already here waiting on us." Maxine smiles.

We walk to the back of the store where a huge table sits with a bunch of different boxes of flowers and a smiling Nadine.

"Hi, Nadine!" I smile at her walking over to the table.

"Hi, sweet girl! I'm happy to be of help today." She said.

"I'm glad that you are here as well because as you can see I don't know my flowers yet." I laugh.

Maxine comes and sits down beside me and then looks over at Nadine. "Parker gave Raylee a ride to work on his bike this morning." She said.

"Oh, he did huh? How did you like that bike Raylee?" Nadine asked.

"It was fun but scary at the same time," I said picking up a flower.

"We have 55 bunches of flowers to do today for a wedding tomorrow and these are the bunches and I will make the first one so you guys can see how they go," Maxine said.

"Ok show me how they go and then I can do them." I smile at Maxine.

Once we get a few done I get the hang of it and Nadine does as well and before lunch, we have twenty-five completed.

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