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Hardin gets here and we just talk about why I got an apartment. I want to ask him if he wants to move in but I don't want to sound silly because we've only been dating for awhile.

"Do you want to move in with me?"

Dang it I didn't mean to ask that it just came out.

"What?"he says confused.

"Do you want to move in with me. I mean only if you want to." I feel and sound so stupid right now.

"If you insist. When should I bring my stuff?"

I can't believe he actually said yes.

"You can bring them now. I already have my stuff here. I just need to go grocery shopping and buy dishes."

"I'll bring everything later today."

We talk again and he is trying to convince me to let him pay rent.

"No Hardin I'm not going to let you pay the rent."

"Cmon your spending to much money right now. How about I pay rent and you could pay for cable, and the groceries."

He keeps begging me to let him pay rent and I finally give in.

I give Hardin the spare key.

"If you want I can take you to the grocery store then target to buy whatever we need."

"Okay let me get my purse."

We get to the store and I get all the food I think we'll need for a week. I also buy some snacks and small juices for when I babysit. We get to target and I get sets of plates, bowls, forks, spoons, cups, and any knifes pots included. I already have my basket full but I go around the store and see what else I find. I get extra shampoo body soap and toothpaste. I get to the self check out and as I'm about to insert my card Hardin puts his in. What the heck. I told him I was going to pay for all of this.

"I thought we had a deal of me paying for this kind of stuff."

"We do but it's our first night living there and you payed for this month so I have to at least pay for this right now."

I sigh but don't argue back. We get back to the apartment and Hardin helps me out everything away. I sit on the couch and I realize I haven't called my mom for the last two weeks. I give her a call and tell her how my classes are going.

"Mom I forgot to tell you that I got an apartment."


"Because I'm going to babysit and I can't babysit in a dorm a child needs space. There's one more thing. I have a boyfriend and he's living with me."

I know she's going to be mad but it's my choice.

"Wow okay um I don't know what to say. All I can say right now is as long as he treats your right I'm okay with it."

She reacted better than I thought.

"I have to go mom but I'll call you again soon. Bye I love you."

Hardin left to go get his stuff so he can move in but what is he going to tell his parents.

Notes: how do you think his parents are going to react?

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