-54-Why Elena?-

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54: Why Elena?
Your Name: (Y/N)

Imagine: The night where you had to choose between Stefan or Damon.

Third Person

"Elena? Elena? Elena, where are you?" Y/N calling out to her cousin but she wasn't anywhere to be founded in the Gilbert house.

She went up to her room and found it empty, which was weird because Stefan and Damon specifically told her to stay put in the house. Y/N than noticed a cup on the floor by the window seat. As she walked closer she sees splatter tea, it was as if she was drinking her tea and dropped it on the floor, but Elena isn't a clumsy girl. Unless there was something in the tea. Y/N bend down touching the tea and smelling it, she scrunched up her nose recognizing the smell.

The only person who was here taking care of her was... Matt Donovan.

"Matt!" She yelled and rushing to get downstairs. "Matt! Where the hell are you!"

"Y/N?" Jeremy walked in the kitchen wondering why his cousin is yelling.

"Jeremy, where's Matt?"

"Why, what's going on?" Jeremy asked.

"Elena is not here. She was supposed to stay here with Matt, I think Matt drugged her and took her." Y/N saying quickly having a panic attack.

"Why don't you look surprise? I just told you your sister is missing with your best friend while someone is killing vampires which FYI is Alaric ?!" Jeremy bit his lower lip and sighed.

"I told Matt to take her and leave town as far away from Mystic Falls." Jeremy told Y/N calmly.

"What?!" Jeremy slightly flinched.

"Matt is taking her out of town." Y/N rubbed her forehead sighing.

"And you didn't care enough to tell me?" Jeremy looked on the ground feeling bad. Suddenly Y/N's phone began to ring she was about to answer when Jeremy made a quick move pinning Y/N against his chest covering her mouth with chloroform.

She was fighting against his strength but she was getting weak. Then she closed her eyes falling into Jeremy's arms.

Jeremy carried Y/N bridal style leaving the house to his car. He carefully put Y/N in the passenger seat, he grabbed Y/N's phone calling Matt.

"Did you get her?" Matt asked when he answered the phone.

"Yeah. We're on our way out of town. It took a little longer than expected." Matt sighed.

"Of course it's Y/N. Get her as far away from Mystic Falls as you can, we can't let Alaric get her or Elena. Elena is the key and Y/N is suppose to die." Matt reassured Jeremy.

"Where are you?" Jeremy asked.

"We already left town." Matt responded.

"Good. I'll call you if anything." Jeremy hung up and waiting for Y/N to wake up.


A few minutes later

Y/N begins to wake up slowly she realizes she's in a moving vehicle. She starts to remember her last moments before she blacked out. She gasps and sees she's next to Jeremy driving away from Mystic Falls.

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