-50-The Arrow Diaries-

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50: The Arrow Diaries
Your Name: (Y/N)

Imagine: the cast of Arrow came to Mystic Falls.

Third Person
Starling City

"Oliver why are we heading to this place called... Mystic Falls?" Felicity asked looking at that screen while sitting on her chair.

"There's a plant that I need from there, this will help us to take down Damien Dark. And in order to retrieve this plant I need the whole team, apparently this plant is very rare." Oliver said standing in the middle of the room waiting for the rest of the team to arrive.

"What exactly this is plant you're looking for maybe I can run it through my database and find a percentage of our chance of finding it." Felicity replied feeling a bit excited.

"Vervain." Oliver replied as he walks over to the computer.

"Mhm. This plant is extremely rare but according here the only place you can find this is at Mystic Falls and the only chances of finding this plant is 50%." Felicity said as she quickly looked it up.

"What exactly are you going to do with a rare plant anyways Oliver?" John asked standing in the corner of the room with his arms crossed over his chest.

"Someone I know from a long time ago, told me about it apparently this plant with help weaken Damien. We need to get this plant as soon as possible so we all going to Mystic Falls cause I need everyone to find this plant." Everyone in the bunker nodded their heads.

"When are we leaving?" Asked Dinah.

"In one hour everyone needs to start packing especially your suits you never know if we're going to need them. Since this plant is so rare we don't know who or what will be protecting it." They nodded and scattered like ants and did what they were told.

One Hour Later

The entire gang met at the bunker with their bags and suits underneath their clothes, they were prepared for anything. But what they didn't know was this town Mystic Falls was filled with vampires and other supernatural, they are in for a ride.

"Is everyone ready?" Asked Oliver standing next to Felicity. "Last chance if you don't feel comfortable doing this now is the time to speak up." He looked around the room seeing if anyone wanted to back out of the plan. They all shakes their heads.

"Alright. Let's go us a plant to stop Damien Dark once and for all." Dinah and Rene smirked walking behind Oliver.

Mystic Falls
Your Pov

I was running down the halls trying to find Elena, she's flipped her switch again! Freaking again! She's been going around the town killing innocent people and last we heard about her was at the high school. I've been vamp speeding all around the school with no sign of Elena.

"Elena! Elena where hell are you!" I shouted in the hallway all you hear is my echo. I groan frustrated ready to pull my hair out of my head.

"There's sign of her anywhere here. Are you sure she's even here?" Asked the one person I didn't want by my side. Katherine Pierce, my sister. I rolled my eyes.

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