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13: Cheater
(Your Name): Y/N

Imagine: You caught Stefan cheating on you.

You decided to head to the boarding house since you haven't heard from Stefan from the whole day. Which was the strangest thing ever, Stefan usually texts you from the moment you wake up.
You sigh heavily getting kinda nervous not knowing if Stefan was in trouble or something, your heart was beating so fast you just wanted to know if he was okay. As you pulled into the driveway of the boarding house, making your way to the door you knocked the door for couple times. No response. You opened it knowing the brothers never lock there doors you were walking in slowly into the house seeing that no one in the parlor room or living room.
You called out to Stefan's name. "Stefan?" There was still no response, your heart was racing. You were thinking the worse, what if Stefan had been taken, but there was no struggle. What if he got hurt? But still there was no sign of struggle. You heard a noise coming from upstairs, you knotted your eyebrows in confusion you started speed walking to Stefan's room. The moment you walked in you were frozen from the view you were looking at. It was Stefan and... Elena. They were nearly naked only thing was covering them were their underwear's and Elena's bra. They were kissing each other's face off, her legs were wrapped around Stefan's waist his hands on her ass gripping it tightly. Both of them moaning getting ready to do it.
You gasped from the horrific scene, seeing your one and only boyfriend cheating on you with the person you hated the most. Stefan pulled away breathing hard, his eyes widen from shock immediately turning into guilt.
"Y/N." He called to you. You shake your head.
"Don't mind me, I was just leaving. Please let me interrupt your moment of happiness." You glared at Stefan with a death look. Elena covered her mouth in shock not knowing what to say. You walk out of Stefan's room running back to your car before you can make it to the door Stefan appears in front of you.
"Y/N, it's not what it looks like-"
"Are you kidding me?" You gave a look to Stefan thinking if he was an idiot or something. "It's not what it looks like?! Cause it look like you were about to have sex with Elena!! Elena, Stefan!" You scoffed and walked away but Stefan stopped you.
"Don't ever touch me again. In your entire existence, this. This is over. We're done. Have a wonderful life without me Stefan, I hope kissing Elena was worth losing me, forever." You whisper the last part as tears were steaming down your face. You're heart broke in two, literally. You felt your whole world was crashing down.
So much for true love right.

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