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24: Bait
Your Name: (Y/N)

Imagine: Elena's humanity was off and she used you as bait to make the boys not to try to turn her humanity back on.

A month ago Elena turned her emotions off because Silas killed Jeremy. His death made Elena go mad to the point where she broke down and turned it off, also she burned down her house with Jeremy in it. Elena's my best friend but right now she's been getting on my nerves. There's been times that I want to stab her in the heart, but I can't cause I'm human and she's a vampire. She's a lot faster than me and she can sense things.

Stefan and Damon have trying to get her emotions back on but she wouldn't budge. Damon believes that the sire bond still works with Elena but since Elena's emotions are off how can she feel anything. A few days ago Elena threatened the guys, she said if they tried anything to get her emotions back on than she would kill anyone on the spot without thinking. Obviously they didn't listen, Elena knows that I've been dating Stefan for about 2 years now. Damon loves with Elena but Damon also loves me. I don't feel anything for Damon I don't see him that way, he's like a brother to me but he doesn't understand that. He believes I should be with him instead of Stefan, he's wrong.

Elena kidnapped me to use me as bait, she wanted them to back off from trying to bring her emotions back on. She knew I much I might to both boys, they would do anything for me especially Stefan. She kept me locked away for almost a week because of the vervain I had in my system, she needed to compel me. What was the reason? I don't know.

"So Y/N, since I know how much Stefan and Damon means to you I'm going to show them how far I'm willing to go, to not be locked in cell as they drain me of my blood as they desperately try to bring my emotions back on." Elena said walking around me like a shark does to its prey before eating it. I was tied to a chair my hands and feet were unable to break free, I was completely weak and didn't have any energy to move at all. "Elena, using me as bait... it's only going to make the guys.... madder. They won't stop until you turn it back on." I said with a raspy voice in between each sentence, I was so thirsty and hungry. Elena kept me in a basement like an animal.

"That's why I said I'm willing to take it far." Elena gave me an evil smile before injecting me with something knocking me into darkness.

I slowly wake up but I found myself not being tied to a chair anymore but a breeze hitting my face, hearing a ticking sound. I slowly start to stand finding myself being on top of the clock tower in Mystic Falls. I panic and lean against the wall making I don't fall, I take a few steps to see my view I gasp seeing how extremely high I am.

"Nice view huh?" Elena's voice spooked me making almost fall I gasp heading back to the wall for support. She walks over to me roughly grabbing my face and compels me. "If Stefan and Damon don't cooperate with me and don't agree with me, you jump off this building to your death. Understood?" Tears falling from falling from your eyes, you wanted to say no but your mind was telling you yes. Like a zombie you nodded your head. "I'll jump to me death if Stefan and Damon don't cooperate with you." Elena hummed and raised an eyebrow.

"Good girl, now stay where you are and wait until I tell you otherwise." You nod your head it was like you had no control on your body, you were being forced to do something with someone else's mind in your head. A few hours later I heard someone call out my name, I immediately recognized the voice. Stefan. Tears began to fall uncontrollably, I had to listen to Elena I had no choice. I couldn't fight it off it was like a timing bomb inside my brain, it was waiting for the command to explode. That's how I felt.

"Y/N!! Y/N, don't jump!" Stefan yelled from the ground. He was about to vamp speed to the top when Elena came and pushed the guys to the ground.

Third Person

"I knew you both will come to save the damsel in distress. Stefan recusing his beloved girlfriend for 2 years now. Damon in love with two woman at the same time, tell me something Damon how does Stefan take the fact that your also in love with his girl?" Stefan and Damon were ready to strike Elena but she stopped them. "I wouldn't do that boys. You wouldn't want your precious Y/N to... purposely fall to her death? Would you now? Elena smirked. "Y/N! Walk forward!" Elena yelled, the boys exchanged looks. You began to walk forward as tears falling down from your eyes. You stood at the edge of the building, with one step I become a pancake.

"Now, shall we begin the bargain." At this moment Elena looked and acted exactly like Katherine. She became the very thing that Elena never wanted to become. "If you don't want Y/N to fall, you will agree that you will not try anything to get my emotions back on. Not only will I kill anyone in Mystic Falls, Y/N will be the first to get out of the picture. Do we have a deal?" Elena stared at the boys waiting for their answer.

"No Elena, Damon and I will not stop until you turn it back on. We will not let you ruin your life like this, the more deep you are the longer it'll take for you to recover the grief." Stefan telling Elena, she didn't care what anyone would say at this point all she wanted to do was kill anyone that gets in her way. Including you.

"Well, I figure you would say something like that." Elena sighs. "Y/N! Do it!"

"Oh my god." You whisper to yourself as taking another step falling straight to the ground. "No!" Damon went to snap her neck but she was faster at it. As Damon fell to the ground Stefan did a sneak attack snapping her neck, breaking the compulsion. You snapped out of the trance but it was already too late you already made the step falling to your death. You saw how close you were to the ground, you close your eyes shut waiting for impact suddenly you felt like you were no longer falling but feeling a pair of hands holding onto you. You opened your eyes seeing Stefan holding you bridal style. "Stefan. You caught me." Than Stefan sat you down to the ground not breaking eye contact with you.

"Of course. I'll always be there to catch you when you fall Y/N." You smiled, Stefan leans in giving you a kiss. Before you touched lips someone behind him coughed. You both look seeing Damon standing there, you nod to Stefan telling him it's alright to be alone with Damon. "Damon. Um, uh, D-did you take Elena to the boarding house?" You asked being nervous in his presence. He nods and gives a small smile, seeing you with his brother hurts him it breaks his heart knowing that.

"She can no longer hurt you Y/N. You're safe." You give Damon a forced smile. "Thank you Damon. But this doesn't change the fact that I'm with Stefan."

"I know, but it also doesn't change fact that I'll love you Y/N. And that I'll do anything to keep you safe even if that means breaking some rules with the bro code." You were about to speak when Damon cut you off by kissing hour forehead leaving into the night.

"You okay?" Stefan asked walking towards you with his hands in his pockets. You smiled wide. "Of course. My boyfriend saved me from falling to my death, I couldn't be anymore grateful." You giggle, Stefan leans in planting a passionate kiss. "I love you Y/N."

"I love you more. No one is going to come between us, not even Damon. My love for you is strong I feel nothing for Damon, I only love Damon as a brother. Nothing more." This made Stefan happy he knew he had nothing to worry about but that Damon said made him think about if you were going to the same thing that Elena did. But this was different, Stefan saw the love, lust and passion in your eyes. This wouldn't anything like Elena's situation.

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