-19-Please Forgive Me (Part 2 of Cheater)-

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19: Please forgive me (part 2 of cheater)
Y/N: (Your Name)

Imagine: Stefan wanting your forgiveness for him cheating on you.

You had make up running down your face. You're breathing was heavy, if felt like someone just ripped your heart squeezed it with their bare hands and put it back inside of you. You're soul has been crushed, you never imagined in a million years your one and only boyfriend. The one you loved very much would cheat on you. Every time you wipe your eyes more tears would come out, you hated Elena even more after this situation. But there was nothing you could since Elena was a vampire and you were only human. She's a lot stronger than you were.

As you kept driving to a place you knew you could alone and no one knew about it, not even Stefan, well maybe one knew about it. Damon. Your phone kept ringing and you already know who it was. It was Stefan calling every second. You ignored it and kept driving along the road to your destination.

You picked up phone and dialed Damon's number. After the third ring he answered.

"Well hello there. How can I be a service to you?" Your heavy breathing through the phone notified something wrong. "Y/N. What's wrong? What happened?"

"It's Stefan." Was all you let out as your tears were rolling down your face uncontrollably.

"Ugh Stefan. Okay listen, I'll meet at your place." You shake your head, knowing that Damon couldn't see you.

"No. I'm not going home, he'll look for me there. I'm not going to be in town. Just meet me at the usual." Damon knew what you meet.

"Okay. I'll be there in 5. Don't worry." You bit your lower lip trying your best not to cry more. You nod your head.

"Thank you Damon." You say than hang up the call. Before you were going to set your phone down your phone vibrated in your hands. You look at the screen and saw his name. It took a lot of you not to throw your phone out of the car but you knew Stefan wouldn't stop calling.

"What?" You say with anger in your voice.

"Y/N! Please let me explain." You finally snap at the sound of his voice.

"Oh let me just explain your situation. I was looking for you cause I haven't heard you since the morning.-" Stefan was trying to cut you off.

"Y/N Elena-" you grew angrier hearing her name.

"I'm not done talking! I thought you were hurt Stefan. I texted many times and you never answered, so what would a worried girlfriend would do? Check if her boyfriend is alright and making sure nothing happened him." Stefan stayed silent. There wasn't a sound coming from the other line. "Stefan you hurt me. You hurt me the most, out of everyone you hurt me the most." You say with your voice breaking. "And for that I would never forgive you. You have lost me... forever. Goodbye Stefan."  Before he could get another word out of his mouth, you hang up the call. You literally felt your heart snap in two. Stefan was the love of your life, he made you happy even in your darkest times.


As you made it your destination you waited for Damon to arrive. You were sitting on the steps of the porch looking down at the floor. You were in a shock stage that you couldn't snap out of it. You had a lot going on in your mind, it was like a hammer banging your head of much you were thinking.

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