-18-Road Trip-

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18: Road Trip
Your Name (Y/N)

Imagine: Damon, Stefan, Elena and yourself went on a road trip. Damon and Elena had enough of your arguing with Stefan, so they drag you both along for the road trip.

Your pov
Damon and Elena were in the front and I  was sitting in the back with the one person who hated my guts. Stefan Salvatore. Every time we were in the same room we always fight. He hates my guts, I hate him too.... okay not really because I had a super huge crush on him. For a while I had a crush on Stefan. But every time he sees me he had to be a dick, and it would always break my heart but I would hide with my sarcasm and my sassiness.
"So why are doing this stupid trip anyways? It's not like we'll be besties after this." I say directly talking about Stefan.
"Besides would want to your friend? Only an idiot would be your friend." Stefan said being very snarky. I roll my eyes hating finding ways to insult him back, but it still hurts that always being a dick to me.
"Well I guess everyone around you is an idiot. Right? Or is it the feel bad for you because of your reputation?"
"Y/N!!" Elena yelled at you. You didn't care at the moment, you were getting heat up from the conversation.
"What? Am I not suppose to say that? Or was it kept a secret, since everyone knows about it?"
"Seriously Y/N, that was a low blow, even coming from you." You scoff shaking your head and looked outside the window.
Since Damon and Elena didn't tell us where we were going, they wanted to take a break before going on the road trip. We stopped at a motel, Damon and Elena went ahead to check our rooms. Stefan and I were unloading everything in the car, it was awkward and the tension was building up. I would once in a while glance at Stefan and there were times I would admire his firm musclier body and how turned on I got just by looking at him. But I would immediately look away when I would almost get caught staring at him.
"Okay our room is ready, our room 36B. And yours too it's 38B." I looked at Damon confused. He gave the key to Stefan meaning that we had to share a room.
"What?!" We said in unison.
"I'm not sharing a room with her."
"And I'm not sharing a room with him." Damon just smirked and I looked at Elena and definitely he was telling the truth, I had to share a room with Stefan.
"Let's do this, Stefan can stay in his room with Damon and I can sleep with Elena in her room. There it's a win-win." I said trying to convince them but of course Damon wanted to be with Elena.
"Mm. Cute but not gonna happen, you see Elena and I have plans for tonight. You know...-" I cut Damon off not wanting to hear the rest of the statement.
"Ugh! Damon, I don't want to listen to the rest of that." You roll your eyes and accept the offer, you look over to Stefan and he seemed annoyed by this plan. You sigh heavily and grab your things.
You made it to the room 38B, as Stefan opened the door you saw one bed. You scoff and shaking your head.
"I'll take the left side."
"Why do you take the left side? I always take the left side."
"Unless you want me to bury you alive, and dance on your grave, I suggest you that I take the left side of the bed." Stefan raised his hands in defense.
"Okay. I'll take the right side." Stefan went to the bathroom to change, while you take your bag on top of the bed and starting look for your pjs. You notice you brought a shirt but there wasn't any pants to go along with the shirt. You groan in frustration finding out you forgot your pants. You remove your clothes as you put your shirt over your head, the shirts falls over your butt. Than Stefan comes out of the bathroom...shirtless Stefan had his pants but no shirt, you begin to blush and stare at his body. Stefan stopped at his tracks and noticed you without any pants, it mind had been in your mind but you saw Stefan blushing.
"Are you going to bed or are you just going to keep staring at me?" Stefan snapped out of his thoughts.
"Uh, yeah. Bed." As you unfold the sheets to slip into bed, you face your back to Stefan and Stefan's back is facing yours as well.
"Don't get all touchy Salvatore or you won't live to see the next day."
"Same with you Y/L/N.
~Next Morning~
You start waking up when you felt something hard and firm. You look up and your laying in Stefan, he had his hand on your waist and his other hand on your hand. You were surprised, you knew Stefan hated your guts you never thought Stefan would be this touchy to you. Stefan woke up and looked down on you, you both just stared into each other's eyes for a while.
"Well looky here. The lovebirds all coupled up." Both you and Stefan snapped over to Damon who had a smirk across his face. Immediately Stefan and yourself moved away from each other and sat up on the bed. You got embarrassed by Damon's comment and you didn't dare to look at Stefan.
"Get dress lovebirds. We're gonna get something to eat." You roll your eyes being annoyed by Damon.
"I'll, um, I'll change in the bathroom." Stefan says nervous. You nod your head quietly. You started to change quickly and ran out of the room without saying another word.
Elena, Damon, Stefan and yourself were in a bar grabbing breakfast, the entire time being in the place Damon didn't shut up about this morning. Every now and than you would caught Stefan looking at you. You started to get hot and felt like you had anymore space, you needed fresh air to cool yourself down.
"I'll be back, I need some fresh air." You excused yourself and ran outside, being in here made you suffocate. You felt humiliated and embarrassed, Damon knows about your feelings for Stefan but he went too far talking about it.
"You okay?" You heard a voice coming towards you, you turned about seeing Stefan with a worried a face.
"Why do you care? I thought you hated me?" You asked. Stefan looked at you confused.
"I don't hate you-"
"Than why do you gotta be a dick around me? Every time you come near me or if we're in the same room you always have to say a snarky comment to me." Stefan stood quiet for a moment.
"I was a dick around you because I thought you hated me too." You were surprised at what he said, suddenly Stefan grabbed your face and smashed his lips with yours kissing you passionately. You immediately grabbed the back of his head kissing him back. Next thing you hear is someone clapping their hands. You pull away seeing Damon.
"Finally! My plan worked."
"Plan? Wait you plan this trip for us to get together?"
"Yes, because your arguing about each other's feelings were killing me so I had to do something." Stefan and I shared the same look.
"Okay Damon lets them be themselves now, I think they want to be alone now."
"Wh-what? Come on, I stay for the show."
"Alright, Alright. I'm leaving." You turn your head back to Stefan with a smile. You wrap your arms around his neck.
"Mm. I think we were here." Stefan held onto your cheeks and kissed you.
"I love you Stefan." You say. Stefan smiled widely.
"I love you more."


Sorry guys I didn't update so soon. But I'm back and better than ever!

Also I've reached 11k reads in this book, I'm so grateful that you guys read this book. Honestly I didn't think I would get so much reads, you guys are the best and because of you guys I'm still reading this book so you can keep enjoying this book.

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