-9-Turned (Part Three of Y/N or Elena)-

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9: Turned (Part three of Y/N or Elena)
(Your Name): Y/N

Imagine: Waking up from your ritual and find out your turning into a vampire.

~Stefan's pov~
As I was forced to watch Y/N die, my heart ache when I witnessed the light in her eyes die out. I screamed her name multiple times but she didn't hear me. Before she passed onto the other side I closed my eyes and I said out loud in my mind-
"I love you Y/N Y/L/N."
The moment she passed I heard her dropped on the floor I opened my eyes seeing her lifeless body on the ground, the cut across her neck, blood spilling everywhere, her eyes were open there was no sign of life in her eyes. She was gone, I lost her forever, I'm never going to get her back. I heard the travelers chanting in their language Greg grabbed a long stick with fire at the end burning everyone to their deaths, one by one they all fell still chanting. I didn't hesitate to grab Y/N's body vamp speeding away from the scene. I brought her back to the boarding house in my arms bridal style. I lay her body on the couch letting my tears fall, I couldn't hold it in anymore I cried like a baby. I just lost the love of my life and there's no other way to bring her back. There was nothing I could do, I couldn't save her now I'm going to live with this guilt with the rest of my vampire life. Without her.
"Stefan!" Bonnie rushed in, I got up from my spot and sprung around facing her. "Stefan she's still alive." I knotted my eyebrows in confusion. What the hell is she talking about, she's dead! Doesn't she see her body right here!
"Bonnie, she's dead! I have her body right here how could she be alive?!" I yelled at Bonnie my frustration was kicking in.
~Third Person~
"No you don't understand. Yes she died, but before she could touch to go to the other side, she got pulled away." Bonnie staring at Stefan as if she saw a ghost, Stefan was still confused on what she was trying to say.
"What do you mean pulled away?" He stepped closer to Bonnie.
"I saw this once. It was a man he told me that what the last thing he remembered was someone killing him, when he touched me he couldn't go through. It was like there was something that didn't let him go through the other side." Bonnie knew where she was going with this but Stefan was still kinda lost. He looked over to you and back at Bonnie.
"Didn't you tell us that Katherine was sucked away going god knows where?" Stefan says putting his hands on his hips.
"Yes but that was different-"
Stefan cut her off. "How?!"
"Because Katherine confessed on doing something so horrible before entering to the other side. She wanted you all to herself and she basically wanted to kill Elena so no one can have you. What Y/N and the man went through wasn't anything like that. They didn't confess to a crime, is like something brought them back, and what all things backs people back from the dead?" Bonnie nudging Stefan to his realization, his eyes widen.
"Vampire blood." He looked over to you and back at Bonnie again. "But who would feed her vampire blood? I certainly didn't I wasn't with her all day." Before the conversation kept going the front door open revealing Elena.
"I did!"
"What?!?!" Stefan and Bonnie exclaimed at the same time.
"When they grabbed Y/N I was already with the travelers. They told me they never needed me they just used me for leverage they wanted to know if Stefan truly would pick me to be released. They let there guard down for a few minutes leaving me alone, I sped over to Y/N feeding her my blood. I overheard a conversation with Greg/Matt and one of the travelers, they needed to kill her in order the ritual could work." Elena telling them.
~Your pov~
The last thing you remembered was being pulled back everything was black, you couldn't see where you were going. You were scared you didn't want to end up like Katherine. She was taken somewhere horrible she never made it to the other side. You slowly felt your coming back but to where? Suddenly you opened your, gasping. You're alive? Your breathing was uncontrollable fast, your surrounding looked very familiar. Than it was your world stop when you saw your Stefan, he was holding your hand he looked at you with relief eyes, he had tears threatening to escape. Your heart was fluttering.
"Oh my god. Stefan." You say softly, letting your tears fall down. Your rested your forehead against his, Stefan leaned in kissing with full of lust and passion. You thought you were dreaming, it couldn't be real you could just be imagining it. But it wasn't you were actually touching Stefan, his touch was real, the kiss was real but than your face changed into confusion. You died and didn't how you came back, you pulled away giving Stefan and the others a worried look.
"Stefan, w-what happened? Why am I back? I'm supposed to be dead, how did I come back to life." Stefan seemed a bit scared to tell you be sat next to you, you didn't break as your eyes were still looking into Stefan's eyes.
"Y/N. When you died... uh you had... vampire blood in your system. When you died from the ritual... the blood in your system saved you from entering to the other side." You couldn't believe it you were shocked and scared, you never thought about becoming a vampire it never cross your mind once. You and Stefan never talked about it. It scared you so much that at first you thought in your mind that you didn't want to complete the transition, but the moment you met eyes with Stefan it would mean you think, you would lose Stefan again. You would lose all of your friends who love you dearly, your family who would do anything to protect you.
"Y/N, I would understand if you didn't want to complete the transition." Stefan said with sad eyes, you know behind his eyes he didn't want to lose you again. Stefan was your everything you couldn't live without him. "I know we never discussed this before. Now it's your chance if you don't want it but if you do decide to complete it I can help you. I can show you the ropes how to control your blood lust everything." You smiled. Before you could say anything the door got knocked down revealing an angry Greg who was no longer using Matt's body to possess, Greg was in his original body.
"Ah. Well lookie who we have here. The worthless piece of trash who was supposed to die in the ritual but instead decided to turn into a vampire. How nice." Greg said with an evil smirk. Stefan stood in front of you protectively, Greg seemed it was odd that you didn't stand up for your own than it clicked. "Ohhh, I get it now. You haven't completed the transition yet. Perfect." He snapped his fingers having his minions to hurt Stefan's, Elena's, and Bonnie's brain. It didn't effect you cause you were standing in the between, you were half human and half dead. Greg injected you with something turning everything black. He took you, Stefan, Elena, and Bonnie.

Another cliff hanger sorry I guess you gotta wait for part four!
Hope you like it!

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