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3: Compelled
(Your Name): Y/N

Imagine: Stefan compelling you.

As you were Stefan's best friend of 3 years, you began to have feelings over him but you weren't sure if he returned any of those feelings back. You were afraid to find out if Stefan only saw you as his best friend and nothing more, but little did you know Stefan did had feelings for you, you just didn't know it. He cared about you so much he would do anything to protect you, even if it means he would risk his life to save yours.

Stefan had enemies who wanted to destroy his vampire life and the only thing to hurt him badly was by hurting you and Stefan didn't want to allow that, so Stefan decided to take you away from the supernatural. He took you in a small cottage that was near a beautiful lake in the middle of the woods, where you were miles away from civilization. For you it was a getaway from Stefan's enemies, but to Stefan it was a romantic getaway so he can have you all to himself.

"What do think if this place Y/N? I've known of this place for the longest." You looked at Stefan with eyes that you never wanted to look away from him. You heart wanted to melt of how gorgeous he was.

"If you know about this place how come you didn't come up here before?" You asked taking your eyes off of Stefan and having your sight set back to the lake that was gleaming upon your skin.

"I guess I was waiting for the perfect time to come up here with someone special." You felt Stefan's eyes on you, you felt your cheeks getting red from blushing. You were getting the idea that Stefan might have feelings for you which was making you happy, your heart was pounding twice as fast than normal but of course Stefan could hear your heart pounding, which gave him the idea to keep making you melt internally.

"I-I thought Elena was special? D-Didn't you bring her up here?" You stuttered trying to get the sentence out of your mouth.

"Elena was special but she wasn't the one I wanted to bring to here, and no I didn't. That was at her parents cabin. I was waiting for you. Y/N." You took a big gulped down your throat, your butterflies in your stomach making them turn. Stefan turned his body towards you, he put both of his larges hands onto your cheeks, he slowly leans in you just stared at his forest greens eyes waiting for his lips to land on your lips. Finally your lips connected making your body getting goosebumps, the feeling of his soft lips on yours was everything you expected, the kiss was full of passion and lust. He pulled away from you as you slowly opened your eyes still feeling the tingling in your lips.

You had a wide smile across your face, so did Stefan. Soon his face drops when I heard a snap twig from the distance.

"What? What is it?" Your face dropped as well wanting to know what got him to look so worried.

"Someone is here. We have to get inside." Stefan tells you grabbing you by the hand taking you inside. He was so worried you would get hurt because of him.

Within minutes someone knocked down the door looking for you. Your face was full of shocked when the vampire had a crossbow pointing at you, you gasped when he shot the arrow, you closed your eyes waiting for the pain to hit you but you felt nothing. You opened your eyes and saw Stefan in front of you. Taking the impact of the arrows. He kept grunting from pain but he wasn't going to give up not wanting a single scratch on you.

"Y/N, you have to go." Stefan tells you, he slowly starts falling to the ground.

"No. No I'm not leaving you!" He shakes his head refusing you to let you stay.

"Y/N, you have to go!" He shouts but still taking the shots.

"Stefan please don't make me leave you." Stefan looks at you with a symphony look as if what he was about to do he would hurt him.

"Y/N I know I said I would never do this but-" You saw his pupils dilating and within that second you knew he was compelling you but you couldn't do anything about it. "Y/N You will run and you will not stop until you are far away from here. You will call Damon so he can pick you up and take you somewhere safe." It was your mind went blank and you couldn't do anything but run away as far away as possible to call Damon. You simply nodded your head and ran out the back. You kept running until you knew you where far away from the cottage, you take your phone out of your back pocket and dialed Damon's number.

"Hello?" Damon had a perky voice.

"Damon, you need to pick me up. Stefan and I were attacked at the cottage. You have to get me and take me somewhere safe." You say breathing hard between your sentences.

"I'm on my way!" As the call ended you looked back wanting to go back but your mind was telling you not, you couldn't believe you left Stefan all by himself to fight off the vampire but you couldn't also believe he compelled you. That was something he told you he would never do to you.

After a few minutes Damon cans picked you up taking you to an abandoned warehouse where an hour later Stefan arrived.

"Stefan." You sigh in relief seeing him, you walked up him and instead of hugging him, you slapped him taking Stefan by surprise.

"Don't ever do that again!" You got into his face being upset of the choice he made for you.
"Don't do what? Leaving me or compelling you?" You kept breathing hard glaring at Stefan.

"Both." You simply say finally hugging Stefan, as he instantly hugged back taking in your scent. He was glad you were back in his arms.

"This may be bad timing but... would like to be my girlfriend?" You raised an eyebrow, titling your head.

"Yeah your timing sucks." Making Stefan look down to his feet. "But of course. I would be more than happy to be your girlfriend." You smiled widely. Stefan's eyes widen with excitement. He pulled you into a kiss making you his. Stefan Salvatore is the man I love and will always love.

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