-48- Werewolf Bite

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48: Werwolf Bite
Your Name: (Y/N)

Imagine: you got bitten by a werewolf.

Third Person

Y/N, and Stefan gotten news that a werewolf bite is fatal to a vampire. Stefan was in the woods helping Caroline adjusting to be a vampire, Y/N was trying to find Caroline who disappeared into the woods with Matt. As Y/N was walking around calling out her best friends name she saw Mason's truck.

"Mason?" Y/N called in a low tone, she continued to walk.

"Mason?" She called again, Y/N noticed that there were broken chains. Her heart started to beat faster. Y/N looked inside the truck and it was completely pitch black when suddenly two golden eyes appeared, next she heard snarling coming from the truck Y/N slowly turned her head.

Her eyes widen when the glass broke making whatever was inside the truth jump on top of Y/N. She groan trying to get the wolf off of her when she felt a sharp pain on her shoulder. Y/N screamed.

"Ahh!" The Wolf speeded off into the woods, she quickly stood up and immediately looked at her shoulder seeing that the werewolf bite her.

"Goddamn it!" Before Y/N could run off a voice cane from behind her.

"Y/N, don't tell me what I think that is." Stefan said with a serious face. Y/N gulp not knowing what to say. He came to her checking the bite but she backed up not wanting Stefan to see it.

"Y/N let me see it." She shakes her head but Stefan stared at her. She sighed, she pulled down her shirt showing off the bite. Stefan's mouth dropped. 

"Y/N, if what Damon and Elena said about a werewolf bite being fatal to vampire is real than..."

"That means I'm gonna die. By the end of the night." Stefan's eyes widen, Y/N and Stefan began to smell fresh blood.

"Stefan do you smell that?" He nodded his head and they both ran to the direction where the blood was coming from. Caroline was feeding off of Matt and Stefan pulled her off of him and Matt slid down to the ground groaning in pain.

"Matt stay down and apply pressure to the wound." Y/N said to Matt he nodded and did was he was told. Caroline noticed blood on Y/N shirt on her shoulder.

"Y/N what happened? Why are you bleeding?" Caroline asked worried.

"Caroline, we gotta run. Run as fast as you can and do not stop." We heard snarling around us, we looked around.

"Now!" Y/N yelled and started to run until Caroline stopped.

"Wait! What is it that we're running from!" Caroline asked confused.

Suddenly Y/N was knocked over with the same wolf that bite her. Y/N was using all her force but the effect of the bite was getting to her and bite her again on her arm. She screamed in pain, Stefan pushed the wolf off of her and stared at Stefan.

"Stop!" We heard Tyler tell at the wolf, then the wolf ran off. Stefan help Y/N on her feet but she was too weak to stand. All three of them glared at Tyler and sped away.

When they got home, Y/N began sweating and very weak. Every hour she got worse and worse, Stefan took her to his bedroom laying her down. He tried to her as much comfortable he possibly could but not matter what she was always in pain. Stefan hated seeing the girl he had a crush on since he came to Mystic Falls, and he fears that he will never tell her. Y/N is in love with Stefan but she was afraid of telling him since he has a thing for Elena.

Every hour that passed Y/N cried and screamed of the pain, her veins began getting darker. Her breathing began getting heavy and coughing up blood. It was almost time.

Damon arrived worried and ran straight to Y/N, the moment he laid eyes on her tears were threatened to escape. His best friend is about to die from a werewolf bite.

"Y/N." His voice croak, Y/N turned her face. You can see the pain in her eyes.

"Damon." She replied weakly. "Now we know... it's true. A bite.... can kill a.... vampire." She chuckled weakly, her chest was raising up and down fast. Damon nodded his head.

"I never got to.... tell him." Damon glanced at Y/N confused.

"What do you mean?" He questioned.

"Stefan. How I feel... about him. I love him Damon." Tears were running down her face, Stefan at the moment walked in and leaned against the doorframe  with tears in his eyes.

"If Stefan were here... I would tell him that... I love him so much... there was no one else I would... spent my vampire life with. It was always... Stefan. My heart and soul... belongs to him. I know he doesn't feel... the same way because of... Elena but we had a... connection." Damon looked at Stefan who didn't dare to look at Y/N knowing what she was saying was true. He nodded at his brother to trade places, Stefan was me holding onto her head while Damon was leaning against the doorframe. Y/N didn't notice because she was hallucinating.

"Now that I'm... about to die, he'll never know... how I truly feel about... him. Without Stefan Salvatore... there is no... life. He's my soulmate... Damon." Y/N began coughing rashly and blood was in her hand.

"Ugh, hey... Stefan when did you... here." Y/N asked coming back from her state.

"I just, uh, I just got here." He forced a smile. It was almost time, but Stefan wanted to put her out of her misery because she was in so much pain.

"Y/N, can you do something for me." She looked at him and hummed as she was too weak to speak.

"Close your eyes." She smiled weakly and did what she was told. Stefan pulled out a stake trying very hard not cry but failed.


"Where are we?" Y/N asked noticed she's at the beach standing in front of the water. She felt arms come around her she inhales and exhales feeling the warmth of the hug.

"We're in the place you've always wanted to be." Stefan tells her he remembered that Y/N once him that before she was turned she loved being at the beach.

"Why are we here Stefan? Are you trying to distract me?" Y/N turned around facing Stefan. He looked at beautiful crystal clear water and back at Y/N.

"I want you to be at peace, be at the place you've always wanted to go. Enjoy this." Y/N genuinely smiled. Stefan stared at Y/N in her eyes passionately, he leaned in and kissed her. She kissed back. They stayed like this for a good minute. She turned around walked towards the water, she giggled.

"Stefan. I'm not scared anymore. I don't feel any pain anymore, I feel so much better. Come on I'll race ya!" She said to Stefan but he stayed in the same place as Y/N dived into the water.

Stefan pointed the stake at Y/N's heart the moment Y/N entered the water in the vision, Stefan stabbed her in the heart. She gasp, she began desiccating Stefan couldn't hold his cry anymore. The girl he had a crush on the for longest died in his arms and he was the one who ended her life. The only thing he regret is not telling her how he felt and he will never get the chance.

Sorry guys I know I was supposed to post the weekend that past but since schooled started again I had to get my classroom ready for my students.

So just to let you guys know my limit for this book is to have up to 100 chapters and I'll finish there.

Thank you everyone for being so patient with me, I enjoy that you guys like this book. I really appreciate it. I do read the comments that you guys leave in the book. You guys are the greatest! Love you all!!

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