-53-Fight Or Flight-

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53: Fight Or Flight (Part 2 of The Arrow Diaries)
Your Name: (Y/N)

Imagine: the cast of arrow figured out that vampires roam Mystic Falls.

Oliver's Pov

Everyone was done changing into their suits Curtis insisted I call Barry for backup but I know he's busy with Zoom and the terror that's going on in Central City.

"Is everyone ready?" I asked waiting for an answer. Dinah stepped out in her Black Canary outfit, Rene in his Wildog outfit, Roy as Arsenal, John as Spartan, Curtis as Mr. Terrific, Felicity as Overwatch and Me as the Green Arrow.

"I'm ready." Responded Dinah

"Same here." Replied Rene.

"Us too." Roy and Curtis replied in unison.

"Couldn't been more ready." Said John with a hint of nervousness.

"I'm ready to kick some ass, even though I'm not actually in the fight I'll just be standing over there." I stood next to Felicity holding onto her waist notifying her to stop talking.

"Alright listen up. This isn't our town we're here for one mission only. Grab the vervain and get out. If by chance you see any of those people you saw in the bar try and stop you, do not hesitate to attack. We all know our mission stick to it." Everyone nodded their heads and split up to find the plant.

"Felicity I need you to stay put." She looked at me confused and thinking I was crazy.

"W-what? No that's not going to happen Oliver." Felicity protested, I bit my lower bit.

"Felicity." I warned her.

"No Oliver. We're in this together I agreed to come in this mission I'm going to help you. You're not the only who wants to take down Damien Dark." I sighed feeling defeated.

"Fine. Just please... be careful." I responded looked deeply into her eyes.

"Always am. I love you. Just one more thing, calling Barry or Kara wouldn't be the worst idea. I know they are busy in their own city but knowing that vampires exist we can use someone extra strength in this mission." She replied. I sighed, I leaned in kissing her passionately on the lips, we pulled away staring into each other's eyes.

"Fine, I'll call Barry ask him to bring along his gang and Kara. And I love you too." She smiled and walked into a different direction. I know she's going to be okay but she's my Felicity I can't lose her.

Y/N Pov

I watched from afar listening and watching the incomers, Oliver and his gang are vigilantes from Starling City. Apparently they are here for the vervain, for what reason, i don't know now we got make sure they don't grab that plant. I ran back to the grill to warn everyone.

"They're vigilantes! The group of people that came today are vigilantes from Starling City." Everyone turned their head so quick.

"What?!" Everyone said at the same time.

"Definitely wasn't expecting that." Tyler said as his crossed his arms over his chest.

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