-47-Fight In The Woods-

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47: Fight In The Woods
Your Name: (Y/N)

Imagine: Stefan is hunting rabbits and hearing you fighting Katherine in the middle of the woods.

(Did anyone else hear the voice of Elmer Fudd, no just me okay. Also Author's note at the bottom, it will explain why I have this video here if you want to read the author's note first, whatever you want cant tell you how to read cause I'm not there with you. I'm typing a lot so I'll shut up and post this chapter right now.)

Stefan's Pov

I woke up early to hunt rabbits, I needed something in system to keep my energy up and running. Since I can't have human blood. Later after my hunt I'll be seeing my girlfriend, Y/N, we've been dating for nearly two years. I've been happy with her, she makes me happy. I can a future with her.

As I found my first bunny I attacked it drinking its blood, it's not the same as human blood but it helps me be in control. I don't know how Y/N does it, I mean she's been alive for nearly 2,000 years. As I was about to hunt another bunny when I heard two voices arguing with each other. One of them was definitely Y/N.

Your Pov

I was at the grill enjoying my daily tea, with vervain it doesn't burn as much anymore. My body is already use to it, but there are days where it does burn or itch in the back of my throat. I've been alive for 2,000 years it's a trick I learned. I'm a Heretic/Vampire, the first born Heretic I became a vampire when I turned 18 years old. Before I could finish my tea someone sat next to me, I already knew who it was the minute she walked through that door. Katherine Pierce.

"What do you want?" I asked without even turning my head.

"Hello to you." I turned my body towards Katherine and leaned against the counter.

"Katherine I don't have time for this, I have things to do." I was about stand up when Katherine grabbed my arm. 

"I don't think so." Instantly with a quick motion I pulled her arm behind her back, Katherine groan in pain.

"We've been through this Katherine I'm a lot older than you not to mention I can fry your brain without even flinching." Katherine glared at me, she struggled under my grip. 

"You don't scare me Y/N. I've survive scarier things than you." At this point I let go of Katherine.

"What is this really about Katherine?" I questioned Katherine's intentions.

"Stefan." I held back an eye roll knowing this was about Stefan.

"Ah, Stefan. Why do we need to talk to my boyfriend." Katherine tighten her jaw being furious.

"We all know he belongs with me, I am The Who taught him how to love in the first place." I chuckled out loud finding her comment mostly ridiculous.

"Oh, honey when are going to get this through your annoyingly thick skull, he never loved you and he never will. Now if you want your brain to splatter all over these walls I suggest you move out of my way." I stepped closer to Katherine challenging her.

"Find, meet me in the woods. We'll settle this once and for all. Whoever wins keeps Stefan." Katherine suggesting the fight. I raised my eyebrows looking at her if she was crazy.

"Fine." I accepted, does Katherine know I'm a 2,000 year old Heretic Vampire? I have 10 times for power then she does combined with the Originals.


Your Pov

"You do realize I'm  much older than you, right?" I tried to make Katherine realize she's about to fight me, one of the most powerful being out there.

"I don't care, I will always fight for Stefan. Because if I can't have him then no one can!" At this point Katherine attacked me but before Katherine can lay a finger on me. Katherine fell to her knees gripping onto her head. I was using my powers to hurt Katherine's head. Katherine cried painfully.

"I told you, without even flinching I can fry your brain and I'm not even at full power." I said confidently.

"I think I said...ahh!... a fight!" Katherine struggled to get the words out of her mouth.

"Fine If you want to fight, I'll give you one." I waited for Katherine to compose herself before being able to do anything. Katherine looked up glaring at me. Katherine runs up to me trying to punch me in the face but I easily dodges the punch. This pisses off Katherine, she tries to go for a kick on my leg but I was a lot quicker and punched Katherine in the stomach making her fly hitting a tree. Katherine doesn't stay on the ground for too long and speeds to me. I use her powers and breaks one of Katherine's arm making her groan in pain. This gave my the opportunity to punch her in the face making Katherine fall to the ground.

"You fight like a girl." I said walking dangerously towards Katherine. All my anger was starting to form into my magic and powers, fire began to fill the grass, fog was swarming all around her, the winds were blowing restless and blowing from different directions. My eyes turned completely white, this made Katherine frighten. She tried to escape but I placed a barrier around us making sure she wouldn't escape. Before I can put down Katherine I heard my boyfriend's voice.

"Y/N STOP!" When I heard his voice everything went back to normal including my eyes.

"You're better than this, Katherine is not worth it. Once you kill someone it will always stay with you. I don't want that for you, I want you to be better." I slowly turned around seeing my boyfriend with pleading eyes. Katherine slowly stood up and walking away from Y/N. 

"Thanks love."Stefan glared at Katherine.

"Walk away before I make her change her mind, and I didn't do it for you." Katherine scoffed and left the woods.

"Why did you stop me? I almost had her, why did you save her? She could have been out of our hands forever!" Y/N said being a little bit pissed.

"I wasn't trying to save her, I was trying to save you. You're the person I love Y/N." I was stunned that Stefan said he loved me. I smiled and walked up to him and planted a passionate kiss, Stefan immediately kissed back.

"I love you too, Stefan."

*Quick side note, if any of my readers like Murder, Mystery and Makeup. Well I have the perfect person for you, her name is Bailey Sarian. I love her, she uploads Murder, Mystery, and Makeup on every Monday. Just a disclaimer the stories she talks about are true crimes that happened and there are some that may be strong for some people. I will post one of her videos, this one will most likely struck to me because well, its crazy.

If you want check her out and if you like her that's great if not that's okay. Not everyone likes true crime stories. Anyways I hoped you enjoyed this chapter a bit long (haha that's what she said) sorry, I know I can be a child sometimes.*

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