-49-The Five-

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49: The Five
Your Name: (Y/N)

Imagine: you became one of The Five and starting hunting down vampires, but since you were dating Stefan you couldn't kill him.

Your Pov

I was running through the thick woods, breathing heavily. I'm hunting something but I can't tell what I'm hunting cause it's fast. Like a blur. I have a weapon in my hand it's a knife in my left hand and a stake in the other, I reached a clearing in the middle of a field. My heart was racing but I'm not physically tired, it's like I can keep going and never get tired. Suddenly a person appears in front of me, blood dripping down his face smirking at me. I glared at it gripping my weapons tight.

"It's over you have no where to run." I replied to him, I began circling him as if he was dinner.

"Please Y/N, you're better than this. Fight it." He said to me but there something inside of my body to drive this stake through his heart.

"I can't I have no control, my heart is telling not to do it but my mind is forcing me to do so." I grunted as I spoke, my skin felt like it was on fire.

"Y/N you're strong and brave. You got through anything when you set your mind to do so, you can beat this. I know you can." He said with a face full of hope. I wanted to sink in those words but it's like they sounded like poison to me.

"I'm sorry." His face turned sad, tears threatening to escape. I ran towards him and he didn't react it was like he knew and wanted to let it happen. I grabbed the stake and stabbed him in his heart. He gasped as the tears fell down his face and his skin began to desiccate.

I gasp waking up extremely sweating, my chest rising up rapidly. The dream felt very real the feeling of killing vampires get stronger and stronger everyday, it's to the point where my alter ergo is reaching its peak. As I'm standing I get yanked back I look and see my wrist is chained to the wall. I felt anger rising in me.

"What the hell is this?!" I raised my voice and began yanking the chain.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you." I stopped and slowly turned with a glare.

"What the hell am I doing here Damon?" I demanded him.

"Ah, I see you've found the chains." Damon smirked annoyingly.

"Why am I chained Damon? Let me out or I'll gouge your eyes out and make you eat them." Damon chuckled nervously.

"One: It's just a precaution just in case you go all murdery on all your friends. And two: I'll a lot stronger then you so I'll neck your snap before you get the chance." I growled lowly which made Damon step back a bit.

"Come on Damon. We had a plan." Another voice entered the conversation. Stefan's head appeared.

"Stefan?" I soften my gaze.

"Y/N, please. Fight. I need you." My heart wanted to go to him but my mind kept pulling me back.

"I can't Stefan. The urge is getting stronger, all of my dreams are about killing vampires and feeling good about it." Stefan seemed sad, Damon seemed bored.

"Then you left me no choice Y/N. Leaving you here to rot." Damon faked a smiled Stefan looked at his brother stunned.

"Damon we can't do that!" Stefan getting a bit pissed.

"You can't but I can. So bye bye." Before Damon left the window I spoke.

"Damon keeping me here where a bunch of vampire stay, is very dangerous. You may be a vampire that is a lot stronger but you forget, I'm a huntress with the power of all five of the Brotherhood of The Five. Being combined with them makes me more stronger than you and Klaus together." Damon's smirked dropped looking at me very serious.

"Y/N the only reason why were keeping you here is to drain you of your blood compel you as you'll be back to normal. You haven't reached the full power of the Hunter." Something inside of me snapped and I felt power like I've never felt before, it was like I became a new person with my mind set to kill all vampires. I glared at Damon grabbing the chain and ripping it off the chain from the wall. Damon widen his eyes and speeded away from the basement with Stefan. I walked up to the door and knocked it down with my foot. I ran up the stairs.

"Y/N! Stop! This isn't you you gotta remember we're your friends." Caroline stepped in front of me trying to hold me back but I grabbed her arm breaking it. Caroline screamed in pain I turned her around as her back was against my chest and snapped her neck as Caroline's body dropped dead.

"I don't have any friends." I walked over Caroline's body with only one mission in mind. Killing vampires and anyone else who gets in my way.

I searched the entire boarding house and it seemed like everyone left but it's gonna be more fun to find them and kill them, before I left the house I headed down the basement again and grabbed the sword the Rayna Cruz once had.

When I went upstairs to stab Caroline she was already gone I growled and began my search. I found a couple of vampires and killed him sending their souls into the Phoenix Stone. I saw someone running into the woods and I followed them just like my dream. As I made it to the clearing I found like standing there just like my dream.

"Why'd you stop?" I asked him, trying my very best to push back my urge to kill.

"We all know how this ends Y/N. I went through this already." I stepping closer to him. Stefan Salvatore.

"Stefan I'm trying my best not to kill but it's hard." Stefan shakes his head.

"Try harder Y/N. I can't lose you. I love you so much please try harder." My mind kept telling to stake him already but I was fighting twice as harder not to. I began sweating uncontrollably.

"I can't.... I can't.... I can't kill you." I grabbed the sword and dropped down to my knees groaning in pain. My skin felt on fire, my head was throbbing, each time I tried to reject the power of the Five the more pain I feel. Stefan stepped closer to me but I stopped him.

"Don't! I can still kill you. Please don't come any closer." Stefan hated seeing me in pain but he knew of the closer is he I could kill him. The pain kept in creasing and I kept screaming louder.

Then Stefan received a call, I couldn't be able to hear because of the pain. Next thing I knew everything I was feeling was suddenly gone. The pain was gone, the fire feeling on my skin was gone, my headache was gone. It was like everything ever happened to me is now gone, Stefan noticed I stopped screaming and looked at me with hope. The urge of killing my friends was gone I didn't have another voice in head anymore. I glanced at Stefan while standing up. I ran up to him hugging him tightly I gasp happily. I pulled away smashing my lips against his and he instantly kissed back.

"Oh how I've missed you Y/N. That was Damon on the phone by the way he told me he found a way to help you. And obviously he did good." I smiled and nodded my head.

"I love you so much as well Stefan." I said to Stefan as we walked away from the woods.

Sorry guys I took a while to post, I was supposed to post yesterday but I held up.

Anyways, hope you guys are staying safe out there. Remember wear your mask and stay 6 feet apart!

Also I heard some sad news Chadwick Boseman has passed away from Colon Cancer, it's honestly very sad to hear. He impacted so many lives to so many people he will be missed, he may be gone but he will never be forgotten. Rest In Peace King 👑🙏🏼.

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