Powers and Backlash

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He stopped talking and Pixis rolled his eyes and finished the rest for him, "when he tried to overuse his power he will feel any pain he inflicts on others as well as get sharp pains in his chest and have trouble breathing."

Hannes was next to speak up. "I can mimic anything, voices, noises, movements. If you were to write something behind your back as long as I can see you and the slightest bit of movement I should be able to mimic it. As for backlash, if I mimic too much noise or voices I can get a really bad sore throat that makes it hard for me to speak or do much of anything, my muscles will also get sore if I mimic too much movement."

Hanji spoke up next telling them about her power, "as for backlash," she continued, "I get very fatigued, and if I'm making plants out of thin air it starts to burn away at my body fat and if there's nothing left to burn away then it will eat at my muscles. As for backlash for healing people, their pain will be transferred over to me/ I'll feel their injuries and I will feel every cell as they move and heal. It's quite painful."

Nanaba was staring down Gunther but he was staying quiet. She just let out a sigh and started talking for him. "He can make people tell nothing but truths or nothing but lies. He can switch between the two but it drains him a lot faster. When he passes his limit he gets strep throat, it's not contagious to anyone, but it makes it hard for him to talk without severe pain. He also could pass out from fatigue." Gunther rolled his eyes as she spoke for him. He and Rico really didn't want to be here and it shows.

Erwin started talking and he told them all about his powers. He let an awkward pause out before continuing on to backlash. " Mine also drains my energy and I could collapse from fatigue. Also during astral projection, my body has to be in a safe place and must remain undisturbed or I will be snapped back to my body very disoriented with the worst vertigo. Lastly, if I teleport too much or go through too many portals and go past my limit there is a slight chance I won't come back in one piece."

Wait what, no one ever told me that. How did he figure that out, you know what I don't think I want to know. That would have been good to know before teleporting with him for every mission. I gave Levi a look of horror and he just shrugged before whispering, "He said only if he goes over his limit." Ah yes, that is supposed to make me feel better.

"I can see heat signatures as well as Xrays of people when I want," Marlowe shrugged, "Backlash is horrible though. It will start with a painful migraine and if I continue the room will start spinning before fading to black. It can last for about an hour."

An hour of blindness yikes, I'd trip over everything. I thought and Levi leaned in and whispered, "You already do." Hey. I mean it's true but you didn't have to say it.

Auruo started talking. "I can understand every language. I can read it and write it, but I can't speak more than a few phrases. I get a sore throat, lose my voice, and get a migraine." He rushed through before looking down at the table.

"Well, um," Thomas started, "I can connect people's thoughts together. & including myself, 6 without myself. It's like having built-in radios in your heads, but they can't be hacked. Once the people are connected all they have to do is think that they want the others to hear it and they will. Each connection has a time limit before it cuts out. If I try and hold it for longer than that then it starts to backlash." He rubbed the back of his neck.

Is that what brought Levi to his knees? I mean it would make sense. That's why Levi was trying to tell me they weren't attacking him because they weren't at least not on purpose. I looked at Levi and he nodded. Well, that explains that.

"When it backlashes it short circuits the language processing part of my brain as well as the part of the brain that controls speech. I can't understand what people are saying and my words come out all jumbled and don't end up making much sense."

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