The Universal Rules of Texting

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Hi, we haven't talked in a really long time. This pandemic really sucks, but that doesn't mean we can't talk to each other! Just text me whenever you feel like it. Oh wait what? You don't know how to text properly? Well, here are some tips.

Hey guys. I haven't posted one of these types of chapters in a while, but here we go. Some of you don't know how to text. That's fine! But you need to learn how to better your texting for many different reasons.

The main one is, you don't want people to interpret your texts the wrong way. You will get what I mean later on in the chapter. Texts can be interpreted in many different ways. If you don't know how to text properly, people are going to get confused and possibly frustrated. You don't want that. You want no trouble.

Here are the Universal Rules of Texting:

Rule #1: Do not use the thumbs up emoji (👍🏻).

Let me make this clear for those who don't know. In MOST situations, you do not want to use the thumbs up emoji. It is not well perceived at all. A lot of people find it rude, lazy and annoying. The person you're texting put in the effort to answer you with letters, words. Out of all of the emojis you could have used, the thumbs up emoji was not the right one. You can use the emoji when talking to someone you don't want to talk to. Someone who you find uninteresting. Because that's the message the emoji gives to people. Like you aren't interested in the conversation and the most you could come up with was a thumbs up because you weren't captivated enough to write anything else. All in all, you can use emojis. You really don't want to use that one. I know it sounds dumb, its just an emoji, but unfortunately that's how the emoji is perceived. If you do use this emoji, I'm just trying to inform you that people see it in a bad light, but that doesn't mean you're a rude person:P

Rule #2: Know how to use emojis, and when.

With friends, best friends and family members, you can spam as many emojis as you want. Surely you might be a little bit annoying to them, but it doesn't really matter, because they know you and you know them.

With colleagues, acquaintances and people whom you've just met, don't spam emojis. Some people use a lot of emojis, but not a lot do. Most refrain themselves from abusing emojis. Therefore, do not abuse emojis with people who you don't know a lot. If you do, they will most likely think you are insane in some way shape or form. You see, emojis are either reactions or they have some sort of meaning. If you send someone more than three emojis, you're throwing way too much stuff towards them. They'll get scared and confused and push you away

My advice is, read the room. What that means is, if they use a lot of emojis, use emojis. If you send them one emoji and they don't ever respond with emojis, they're probably not big fans of them. Try and understand who you're texting and if they like emojis or not. If they don't, you're better off not sending too much.

With love interests, be careful. By texting them, you're giving them an impression of yourself. Everyone has a real personality and a texting personality. Sometimes, your texting personality can also be a deal breaker. Sounds weird but its true. Be careful with emojis, and as said earlier, read the room.

Also, the typed out smiley faces are always better than emojis:) They just seem a little bit more genuine for some reason. But they say a lot less, that's why emojis are a thing. But;) also;) please;) don't;) spam;) the;) winky;) face;) It's kinda weird if abused.

One last thing, certainly don't abuse hashtags. Hashtags are for Instagram, Twitter, and Tumblr. Unless you use it right and it's really funny or you're referring to known hashtags like #MeToo or something like that, don't use hashtags. No one uses them and they would seem out of place in most conversations.

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