Promptober #1 (+ Schedule)

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Turns out that lots of you guys are up for it, which it great!
So, if you're the visual type, here's the schedule:

3rd: Prompt #1 released
4th: Start of Prompt #1
7th: You publish prompt #1 / Prompt #2 released
8th: Start of Prompt #2
11th: You publish prompt #2 / Prompt #3 released
12th: Start of Prompt #3
15th: You publish prompt #3 / Prompt #4 released
16th: Start of Prompt #4
19th: You publish prompt #4 / Prompt #5 released
20th: Start of Prompt #5
23rd: You publish prompt #5 / Prompt #6 released
24th: Start of Prompt #6
27: You publish prompt #6 / Final Prompt released
28th: Start of Final Prompt
31: You publish Final prompt / End of the challenge!

Kk? All good? All clear? Great!
So, today I give you prompt #1's subject. You short story, poem, whatever, will have to base itself around that subject.
Here it is, for prompt #1:
Torn/Thorn (Use one or the other, both if you want)
(Look it up if you actually don't know what it is)

So this is all you get. The rest is up to you, up to your imagination. You have an extra day (which is today) because this is the first prompt. On the 7th, you'll have to publish your prompt. The challenge starts on the 4th but you can start today. If you finish by tomorrow, don't post it tomorrow, post it on the 7th (so that all of our prompts will be posted on the same day). You can publish your prompt at the end of the day, doesn't have to be in the morning.

Here are some specifications:
- Your prompt can be in any genre (comedy, romance, horror, science-fiction, etc.)
- Your prompts don't have to include anything about Halloween (unless I specify so)
- There isn't a minimum or maximum amount of words. Though if you make it really short, try to make it really good.
- You don't have to write all 7 prompts. Though I will, so it'd be fun if you joined me and committed throughout the whole challenge. Don't if you don't have the time. Don't give me an excuse such as being lazy.

That's about it, I think. Any questions? Ask away, as soon as you finish reading this chapter. So that it'll be settled for tomorrow, the 4th, the start of Promptober.

Peace out peasants!

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