SukeShiro (Brief Summary)

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I'm an emotional guy, I experience different emotions. There are usually two types of emotions that stand out. So I like to tell myself that I'm controlled by two very different people who make who I am. Suke, and Shiro.

Let's start off with Shiro. Shiro's the one who puts me down. Shiro's the one who worries about everything, who makes me feel down, who strangles me at certain moments. Shiro's an asshole for being like that in my opinion.

Then there's Suke. Suke always tells Shiro to shut the fuck up with his depressive shit. When my mood changes from down to really hyped, that's because of Suke. Suke is Shiro's opposite. He makes me happy, he makes me feel real fucking good and he usually tries to chear me up from all the hate Suke gives me.

I know this sounds a bit weird, but that's kinda how I like to describe myself at the moment. I don't understand myself super well, I usually don't know why somethings make me feel really down when they shouldn't. I guess that's adolescence for ya! Surely fucking sucks :P

Anyways, that's pretty much all. Introducing y'all to Suke and Shiro, my two boys, usually fighting over which emotion should take over.

Dark out,
Peace out peasants.

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