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Oh? You thought I wouldn't update? Ha! You were wrong.

I'm still not doing a rant, but I've got some ideas coming, so yeah. And I might do a collab with ma friend.

So, what arrrrre we going to talk about today you may ask?

I've fallen in love with volleyball. Just as much as writing. I mean, why haven't I updated earlier today? I was practicing volleyball.

I just enjoy it so much. And that because of an anime called Haikyuu. Darkest_Camera go watch it. It's good.

But anyways, volleyball. Why do I like it so much?

So, as some of you may know, I don't do any sports. Before volleyball, I hated most of the other sports that were taught to me. Like, hockey, basketball, flag football, soccer... etc. In the past, I only did Parkour and I trained physically and went to the Gym. But then I discovered volleyball.

I asked my parents to buy me a volley ball and I played with it. I later kinda lost interest, but then recently I talked about it to my friend and he said he liked volleyball too. And so we started playing volleyball on the fields at our school. That's when I started to love volleyball even more, and now I'm kind of obsessed.

I just love the feeling of receiving the ball so that the other players can connect and throw it back to the other side. And I feel even more complete when I practice my serves and I do them well.

Now I'm still not all that good, but I'm not bad I might say. I can receive, I can serve, kinda need to up my game on spiking and setting. And I practice at home to become better.

Although why do I practice at home? Can't I do it at school? Euhm... no. There's a girl's volleyball team, but not a guy's volleyball team. Which I find kinda shitty, but anyways. I still like volleyball, it's a new passion of mine. Of course I won't ever let go of writing, I like doing that too.

So thats all I had to say, gonna go to sleep soon,
Goodnight and
Peace out peasants!

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