You Guys Are Great

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I've been meaning to make this chapter for a while now.

We all hate being insulted, but we sure do love getting complimented.
Some of us rarely receive any compliments from our fellow classmates,— peers and friends. When we do receive compliments, they're not compliments to compliment us, they're compliments to state facts. I.e.: You're pretty good in math.

Sure we like those kinds of compliments but we'd obviously prefer some like "you look good", or "you're such a nice person".
So I felt like I should give you all a few compliments. Tell you all why you're great people. Be as positive as I can.

I already did lionmouse and Aelith_ so I won't be doing y'all for today.

Let's start with...
First off, I love your writing. You're really good at writing whatever comes to your mind and you should def/ write more often. You've always been really friendly to all of us and I wholly appreciate that. You're very mature (wether you'd like to admit it or not) but you still seem to have that fun side which makes you an awesome person to talk to/with. I've never really talked to you all that much but I really do appreciate your presence in our Wattpad group :)

Then... BennyBedlam
Oh Benny, lord and savior. I haven't talked to you in a while, but I think you're awesome. Also, great job on becoming an ambassador! So Benny, you've been there many times for me when I needed your help, I'll never be able to thank you enough for supporting me through those hard times. I love the way you argue with Tony whenever you both don't agree on something. I think you're a great guy, don't let people tell you otherwise.

Followed by... Chekerboard
Cheker, first off, congratz on 150 followers! Second of all, you're starring as a villain in my book "Rogue Alpha". Lastly, I really like your name... as weird as that may be, I like the sound of it.. "Cheker"... Anyways. Like Wolf, I feel like you're somewhat of a mystery. I know you're a huge 200% Kpop fan, but other than that who knows? You could be a 40 year old cougar. But thats not the point of this chapter, it's about how much I appreciate you all as people. So yeah, I've never really seen much of your writing because you mostly write rants and random stuff, but I'm def/ looking forward to your next prompt.. if you're not too lazy to finish it ;) Maturity on your end is a factor to why I enjoy you being with us in this adventurous Wattpad journey. We need people like you to stabilize the crazy mofos like Kronis :P All in all, stay the same Cheker, you're a cool friend to have ^-^

Lets jump onto... Darkest_Camera
Oh, old friend. We have lots of memories together, that I can say. We met a couple of years ago in 5th grade, I think, at a time where you were new. I remember you telling the teacher you were gonna ask lots of questions. I looked at my friend as he looked at me, "Prob a nerd", we both thought. Later, I got placed next to you. That's not how we met but thats how we bonded to later become best friends. I still remember all those moments, for some reason. Yeah you sometimes annoyed me, but all in all, you were and are still a great friend. I know I've never told you such things, but I thought you should know. And I do appreciate the fact that most of the time when you wanna share something like a funny video, you still think about sending it to me. Onto talking about you and not only our friendship, you have a very unique and interesting personality. What I do like about you is that a lot of the time you have ideas and you wanna do them. Proposing me stuff left and right, "Hey wanna do this, wouldnt this be cool to do, we should really do this!". It's fun being around you. It may sometimes seem like I don't appreciate you as a friend because I don't like wanna hang out, but I do.

Up next is... Darth_Kronis
Kronis, you strong and manly man, a true legend. Accompanied by the force of a god, you are one true entertainer. You are truly one hell of a friend and you have one hell of a personality. Even though you're often childish, you still amuse me every time we talk. You're what makes our group turn to the fun side. Your prompts are always amazing and I can honestly never get enough of them. Don't change either boyyy, you may not be a GG Canadian prototype-9000, but you're certainly one hell of a guy.

The list goes on to... somerandomer2
I used to kinda, like, admire you. I liked who you were. A mature, mysterious and old(ish) dude. I had no idea who you were and I was intrigued by the mystery of it all. I was so curious to know who you actually were irl. I feel like the way I see you now is different from back when I didn't know who you were, a time where you were a complete mystery. Before I thought that you were some like ultra-serious, ultra-mature and ultra-smart dude. One who would argue about facts and wouldn't talk to me but only to Lion. Looks like I was pretty wrong. I still see you as someone great though. Someone even better than who I thought you were. You're smart, first off, I think you know that. Obviously, I like the fact that you're mature too. You're fun to talk with, which sometimes makes you my go-to dude. If I had to make a list, you'd probably be one of my favorites (although this is something I probably shouldn't say here :P).

Ya can't forget... The_Butternubber
Alright, onto Nubsy nubs. So, I think that you underestimate how good you look, and you shouldn't. I feel like you've got this very likeable personality. You're very friendly with people and you seem to get along quite easily with new people. In my opinion, you have one of the most interesting personalities. You're both really nice and you can be mature every once in a while. You also have that really fun side, a side we see more often. This one was a bit short but it doesn't mean I think of you any lesser than the others :P I do enjoy your presence a lot in the group and I'm glad you got introduced into our lives :)

This is what I think of you guys:)
I didn't do Ryan, ThirdArmy and Tony because I feel like I still don't know you guys enough. And as I said, I did Lion already so ye. I also didn't do Minnow because I havent talked to her in like a whole while (is she still updating?).

Did I forget anyone? I really feel like I did... Anyways, that's all I wanted to say,
Peace out
You lovely people.

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